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high rated
Changelog for Patch 1.1 (added 29 December 2017):

* Fixed issue with screen flickering and VR pop-ups when connected to a VR headset.
* Added an easy (friendly) mode for Neighbor, available in settings
* Added captured animations

Changelog for Patch 1.1.2 (added 29 December 2017):

* Physics changes and improvements. Objects shouldn't be flying and rolling around endlessly. This also gives a performance increase.
* Optimized lighting for better performance
* Fixed a few instances of Neighbor getting stuck
* Map changes including level design changes and coliders
* Jump animation improvements
* Some objects have been redesigned
* Added more SFX

Changelog for Patch 1.1.3 (added 29 December 2017):

* Performance optimization. You should be getting more frames
* Lots of bug fixes
* Reworked some of the levels
* Improved the grass shader
* Fixed a few audio bugs
* Added and improved Neighbor animations for both in-game and cutscenes
* Improved cutscenes (intro to Act 3 & dream sequences)

Changelog for Patch 1.1.4 (added 29 December 2017):

* Updated Unreal Engine from version 4.17 to 4.18

Changelog for Patch 1.1.5 (added 29 December 2017):

* Added a new menu at the start. You can now restart acts or start a new game if you have save issues. You can also select acts.
* Slight tweaks to the maps - level design, lighting, visual cues for puzzles
* Fixed a problem where static shadows wouldn't appear for trees
* Improved overall performance and stability
* Optimized the lighting

Changelog for Patch 1.1.6 (added 29 December 2017):

* Streamlined some puzzle designs with more intuitive hints
* Added a new cutscene into Act 3
* Fixed an issue that could happen with falling umbrellas during that one scene (no spoilers)
* More improvements to cutscenes
* Fixed a problem with the inventory being unresponsive after cutscenes
* Fixed a physics issue with the plane in Fear Darkness
high rated
Changelog for Patch 1.1.7 (added 15 February 2018):

* Friendly Neighbor behavior improvements
* Corrected some lighting issues
* Improvements in sounds, animations, and physics

Changelog for Patch 1.1.8 (added 15 February 2018):

* Dropped support for DX10 due to compatibility issues
* New crouch player movement animation
* New beartrap animation for Neighbor
* New object interaction animation for Neighbor
* Integrated modkit support, you can now import mods into the game client. You can't compile standalone mods from the Editor yet, that is coming in a few days
* Added 2 test mods
high rated
Changelog for Patch 1.1.9 (added 20 February 2018):

Hello and welcome to the Modkit 2.0 update of Hello Neighbor! We have just updated the game client to 1.1.9 which hotfixed some issues 1.1.8 had, and you can now load up mods from within the client.

- Fixed the issues with "missing plugins"
- Added the "back to main screen" option

Getting the Modkit:
- Download the unreal launcher here:
- Unreal Engine 4 documentation can be found here:
- After the launcher is downloaded and installed, click on the 'Modding' tab on the top of the launcher and install the Hello Neighbor Mod Kit.
- Once the Hello Neighbor Mod Kit is installed click the "Launch" button.
high rated
Changelog for Patch 1.2 (added 23 July 2018):

* The game’s been updated to Unreal Engine 4.19.1
* The save system has been fully reworked
* Manual saves are now an option.
* Auto-saving has been improved
* Fixed an error in the Neighbor’s animation when catching the player
* Fixed an issue when the Neighbor wouldn’t properly chase you on train tracks
* Lots of work put into game performance optimization
* The AI navigation mesh has been optimized, so when you’re moving objects around the house, the CPU impact is significantly lower.
* Assets have been reworked and optimized, which also leads to less CPU usage

Modkit update
* Moved to version 4.19.1
* Fixed a few bugs when packaging the mods
* Some of your previous textures may not work properly due to texture optimizations. We highly recommend you recompile all mods under the new modkit and test them.

Happy house looting!
high rated
Changelog for Patch v. 1.4 (added 8 July 2019)

Hello Neighbors! We've got a surprise for you. The newest update is a >1gb download that adds plenty of new features to the original Hello Neighbor game!


* Upgraded to Unreal Engine version 4.20.3
* 32bit Windows version no longer supported, sorry, the game now is 64bit only
* Did extra optimization
* The Neighbor gets a vacuum cleaner! He’s now able to catch you in previously unreachable places
* Fixed an issue with cutscenes not working properly after using binoculars
* Fixed the Neighbor’s dream in the chair
* Added SFX of the Neighbor being hit when you throw objects at him
* Improved the inventory system
* Fixed door animations
* Fixed artifacts appearing when you look through the keyhole
* Fixed animation issues when grabbing large objects
* Fixed a bug when the player dies when on the train
* Fixed a teleportation bug on the train
* Fixed the School cutscene
* Changed the visual effect for the strong throw
* The game now pauses itself when minimized
* Changed the acceleration of the mouse
* Fixed a few places where the Neighbor might get stuck
* Now the Neighbor can knock a door out even if you’re looking through its keyhole
* Now the Neighbor can catch you in the bathroom and on beds
* Added materials for hot tea pots
* Fixed an issue with player positioning when under the bed
* Fixed several object collision issues


* Upgraded to version 4.20.3
* You need to repackage your mods for it to work properly
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