Honestly, restricting galaxy files from internet connection is probably causing you, and others, more disservice than helping.
You don't even need to be online to run the games, and galaxy is optional. It only reports stats if you let it. Why restrict it?
The best comparison I can give is when I was 23 and I did a fresh install of Windows 2000 Pro. I wanted to reinstall Lineage 2, but I was super paranoid about the government spying on my computer. So much so, that I installed Spybot S&D immediately after installing Windows, and as I tried to install DX8 to play Lineage 2, I accidentally blocked a DirectX runtime from installing, basically fubarring the whole install. That mistake cost me several hours to figure out, because I was in a deep psychotic break at the time and was convinced the file was a spy program sent by the government because I had torrented some music 6 months before.
My point is, there IS such a thing as being too careful. You guys who want absolute control over everything on your system are commendable, but if you keep turning stuff off, it IS going to break stuff.