Posted July 31, 2019
high rated
Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game
Changelog for Patch 1.05.1 (added 30 July 2019) - Part I:
Engine changes:
Fixed bugs
1. Fixed a rare CTD on country TAG change (bombardments not canceled and pointing over the flag of the old country on the battle plate results in a crash)
2. Fixed issue with dormant leaders of existing countries defined in main scenario file's dormant leaders list not set as dormant on new scenario start, but only after a save and reload
3. Fixed issues with AI join and leave alliance rules:
- Puppets will leave alliances their master is not part of when that is possible (not at war, not leader of a major alliance)
- Check relations and government type only against alliance leader (prevents leave alliance of minor members because one is with different government type)
- Check relations and government type on join alliance against alliance leader
4. Added missing tool-tip entry for muddy and frozen weather modifiers for air units during bombardment
5. Added missing tool-tips for units/brigades in deployment panel
6. Re-enabled Frozen weather attack/defense modifiers on Stat. pages for naval units and brigades as these are used by the game - 1.03 issue
7. Removed weather and night movement modifiers from Stat. pages for naval units and brigades as these are not used by the game
8. Removed weather and night movement modifiers from Stat. pages for air units and brigades as these are not used by the game
9. Removed terrain defense modifiers from Stat. pages for air units and brigades as these are not used by the game
10. Fixed issue with multiple draw air combats messages when own and military controlled units participated in air combat
11. Fixed issue with missing Strategic Redeployment mission in mission order panel for pure rocket units
12. Fixed a bug with missing tool-tips on the rightmost side on division plate in targets list for brigade deployment
13. Fixed issues with trade efficiency calculation when best port province is owned by enemy country
14. Fixed issue with provincial AA fire doing strength damage to carriers on Carrier strike on airbase mission instead of doing only ORG damage
15. Fixed issue with fleets in port being listed as defenders when airbase in the same province is attacked by carriers
16. Fixed issue with invalid strategic bombardment initiated on carrier strike on airbase mission
17. Removed air units based at attacked by carriers airbase from defender’s list
18. Improved rules for participating of air units on defender’s side on carrier strike on port – only air units based at the province and set on air scramble and air superiority mission will join such combats (respecting mission settings – ORG/STR, day/night, start/end mission dates, out of fuel and weather)
19. Fixed logic for mission started/ended check (added equal time check too; started: start time <= current time; ended: end time <= current time)
20. Fixed issue with carrier strike on port and airbase missions not respecting mission settings (ORG/STR, day/night, start mission date)
21. Fixed issue with naval units attacked at port by carriers using their sea attack to fire against the carriers instead of using their air attack
22. Fixed issue with convoy escorts using their convoy attack value to fire against attacking fleet instead of using their sea or submarine attack values
23. Fixed issue with attacked by carriers fleets in port being able to inflict STR damage to carriers and ORG damage under the “Carriers vs. Bases - Org dmg lower limit” misc.txt setting
24. Fixed issue with air units assisting defense of attacked by carriers naval base using their sea attack to fire against the carriers instead of using their air attack
25. Fixed issue with air units assisting defense of attacked by carriers naval base being able to inflict STR damage to carriers and ORG damage under the “Carriers vs. Bases - Org dmg lower limit” misc.txt setting
26. Disallowed carriers with ORG less then “Carriers vs. Bases - Org dmg lower limit” misc.txt setting to inflict damage to attacked at bases units
27. Disallowed carriers with ORG less then “Carriers vs. Bases - Org dmg lower limit” misc.txt setting to inflict damage to attacked naval and air bases
28. Fixed issue with province AA being able to inflict ORG damage under the “Carriers vs. Bases - Org dmg lower limit” misc.txt setting
29. Fixed issue with non-CAG equipped ships doing damage to buildings on carrier attack on naval and air bases
30. Fixed issue with units under or in bombardment regaining ORG at the same time. Only retreating units are allowed to regain ORG while under bombardment
31. Fixed issue with “Carriers vs. Bases - Org dmg per hour” misc.txt modifier not used when there are no defending units
32. Fixed issue with AI being able to retreat from naval combats before min. combat time (4 hours)
33. Fixed issue with units being able to retreat from combats before the minimum combat time (4 hours for naval and 2 hours for air battles) or when under bombardments if the average unit ORG is under “Auto-retreat from combat when average ORG...” misc.txt modifier
34. Fixed issue with STR/ORG status bar under unit sprites not auto-updating for military controlled units
35. Fixed CTD on some scenarios start (when an air unit is too big and is auto-split, like in DH Core 1941) as result of STR/ORG status bar under unit sprites not auto-updating for military controlled units
36. Fixed issue with automatic split of air units defined in scenario files not working properly for too big units (more than 2 times the limit of air unit size)
37. Added proper support in save_date section in save game for event IDs with 9 or 10 digits
38. Fixed bug with carrier strike on port record in naval battles history list having "UNKNOWN COUNTRY" as target in some situations (when a "ghost" AI fleet is the first to be targeted in the port)
39. Removed carrier strike on empty ports from naval battles history list
40. Fixed issue with carrier strike on airbases logged in land battles history list
41. Set attacker as winner in battles history log on carrier strike on port and airbase when the combat ends in a draw
42. Fixed a bug with fleets remaining locked in port of canal controlling provinces if the province is taken by rebels
43. Removed port and airbase strike missions from available missions list on right-click over province with no port or airbase while a CV containing fleet is selected
44. Fixed issue in declare war panel layout causing random CTD - 1.00 issue
45. Fixed issue with text position in some situations (like long allies list) on declare war panel - 1.00 issue
46. Increased size of text buffers used for messages to reduce chance of text overflow
47. Added missing tool-tip for listed trades on Break Trade Agreement diplomatic action panel
48. Improved layout of Break Trade Agreement diplomatic action panel - fixed issue with header text exceeding panel borders for long country names, moved trades list to bottom
49. Improved layout of Send Expeditionary Force diplomatic action panel - fixed issue with header text exceeding panel borders for long country names, shortened units by one item and moved it slightly down and to the left
50. Tweaked Cancel button position on diplomatic actions panels to mirror position of OK button
51. Fixed switched enforcer and subject sides in non-aggression pacts
52. Fixed messages for non-aggression pacts (switched enforcer and subject sides)
53. Fixed incorrect sound played on some pop-up dialogs
54. Fixed issue with missing arrival to province message for auto-retreated units
55. Fixed missing country name on coup pop-up message for coups triggered by events.
56. Fixed invalid value shown on land_fort_eff event command tool-tip
57. Fixed invalid value shown on coast_fort_eff event command tool-tip
58. Fixed issue with incorrect combat modifiers (amphibious penalty) when a country switches sides on scenario start and immediately attacks enemy in the same province as own troops (like in 1945 scenario, HUN vs. GER)
59. Fixed bug with stacking penalty applied to friendly units supporting defense of airborne assaulted neighboring province
60. Fixed bug with river crossing (or amphibious assault) combat penalty for units attacking spawned rebels into the same province in some situations (depending on the previous province for the unit). Also addresses issue with these combat penalties not cleared on arrival to the province when supporting such attack from a neighboring one
61. Fixed issue with command limit of airborne units dropped to attacked by another units province not accounted properly (should be considered as another vector of attack with own command limit)
62. Fixed issue with truncated/incomplete long texts in game history log on higher horizontal display resolutions
63. Added missing string for a minister personality effect (diplomatic cost against own country) - 1.00 issue
64. Fixed issue with ESE bonus from offensive supply calculation (bonus was half of what tool-tip suggests)
65. Fixed issue with disabled task (mission) state for a country not preserved upon save/reload if default state of the task (misc.txt) is enabled - 1.00 issue
66. Fixed issue with dig in combat penalty applied to both attack and defense efficiency of bombers attacking entrenched land units while it should hamper attack efficiency only
67. Fixed issues and improved supply distance mod calculation (used as modifier on ORG regain, reinforce and upgrade speed of units)
68. Fixed issue with retreat province selection in some situations when previous province for the unit is controlled by enemy country (vanishing AI units)
69. Fixed issue with multiple end bombardment messages displayed when military controlled and owned by the player units are bombed in the same province
70. Fixed issue with resource command giving supplies on top of what it is supposed to give
Changelog for Patch 1.05.1 (added 30 July 2019) - Part I:
Engine changes:
Fixed bugs
1. Fixed a rare CTD on country TAG change (bombardments not canceled and pointing over the flag of the old country on the battle plate results in a crash)
2. Fixed issue with dormant leaders of existing countries defined in main scenario file's dormant leaders list not set as dormant on new scenario start, but only after a save and reload
3. Fixed issues with AI join and leave alliance rules:
- Puppets will leave alliances their master is not part of when that is possible (not at war, not leader of a major alliance)
- Check relations and government type only against alliance leader (prevents leave alliance of minor members because one is with different government type)
- Check relations and government type on join alliance against alliance leader
4. Added missing tool-tip entry for muddy and frozen weather modifiers for air units during bombardment
5. Added missing tool-tips for units/brigades in deployment panel
6. Re-enabled Frozen weather attack/defense modifiers on Stat. pages for naval units and brigades as these are used by the game - 1.03 issue
7. Removed weather and night movement modifiers from Stat. pages for naval units and brigades as these are not used by the game
8. Removed weather and night movement modifiers from Stat. pages for air units and brigades as these are not used by the game
9. Removed terrain defense modifiers from Stat. pages for air units and brigades as these are not used by the game
10. Fixed issue with multiple draw air combats messages when own and military controlled units participated in air combat
11. Fixed issue with missing Strategic Redeployment mission in mission order panel for pure rocket units
12. Fixed a bug with missing tool-tips on the rightmost side on division plate in targets list for brigade deployment
13. Fixed issues with trade efficiency calculation when best port province is owned by enemy country
14. Fixed issue with provincial AA fire doing strength damage to carriers on Carrier strike on airbase mission instead of doing only ORG damage
15. Fixed issue with fleets in port being listed as defenders when airbase in the same province is attacked by carriers
16. Fixed issue with invalid strategic bombardment initiated on carrier strike on airbase mission
17. Removed air units based at attacked by carriers airbase from defender’s list
18. Improved rules for participating of air units on defender’s side on carrier strike on port – only air units based at the province and set on air scramble and air superiority mission will join such combats (respecting mission settings – ORG/STR, day/night, start/end mission dates, out of fuel and weather)
19. Fixed logic for mission started/ended check (added equal time check too; started: start time <= current time; ended: end time <= current time)
20. Fixed issue with carrier strike on port and airbase missions not respecting mission settings (ORG/STR, day/night, start mission date)
21. Fixed issue with naval units attacked at port by carriers using their sea attack to fire against the carriers instead of using their air attack
22. Fixed issue with convoy escorts using their convoy attack value to fire against attacking fleet instead of using their sea or submarine attack values
23. Fixed issue with attacked by carriers fleets in port being able to inflict STR damage to carriers and ORG damage under the “Carriers vs. Bases - Org dmg lower limit” misc.txt setting
24. Fixed issue with air units assisting defense of attacked by carriers naval base using their sea attack to fire against the carriers instead of using their air attack
25. Fixed issue with air units assisting defense of attacked by carriers naval base being able to inflict STR damage to carriers and ORG damage under the “Carriers vs. Bases - Org dmg lower limit” misc.txt setting
26. Disallowed carriers with ORG less then “Carriers vs. Bases - Org dmg lower limit” misc.txt setting to inflict damage to attacked at bases units
27. Disallowed carriers with ORG less then “Carriers vs. Bases - Org dmg lower limit” misc.txt setting to inflict damage to attacked naval and air bases
28. Fixed issue with province AA being able to inflict ORG damage under the “Carriers vs. Bases - Org dmg lower limit” misc.txt setting
29. Fixed issue with non-CAG equipped ships doing damage to buildings on carrier attack on naval and air bases
30. Fixed issue with units under or in bombardment regaining ORG at the same time. Only retreating units are allowed to regain ORG while under bombardment
31. Fixed issue with “Carriers vs. Bases - Org dmg per hour” misc.txt modifier not used when there are no defending units
32. Fixed issue with AI being able to retreat from naval combats before min. combat time (4 hours)
33. Fixed issue with units being able to retreat from combats before the minimum combat time (4 hours for naval and 2 hours for air battles) or when under bombardments if the average unit ORG is under “Auto-retreat from combat when average ORG...” misc.txt modifier
34. Fixed issue with STR/ORG status bar under unit sprites not auto-updating for military controlled units
35. Fixed CTD on some scenarios start (when an air unit is too big and is auto-split, like in DH Core 1941) as result of STR/ORG status bar under unit sprites not auto-updating for military controlled units
36. Fixed issue with automatic split of air units defined in scenario files not working properly for too big units (more than 2 times the limit of air unit size)
37. Added proper support in save_date section in save game for event IDs with 9 or 10 digits
38. Fixed bug with carrier strike on port record in naval battles history list having "UNKNOWN COUNTRY" as target in some situations (when a "ghost" AI fleet is the first to be targeted in the port)
39. Removed carrier strike on empty ports from naval battles history list
40. Fixed issue with carrier strike on airbases logged in land battles history list
41. Set attacker as winner in battles history log on carrier strike on port and airbase when the combat ends in a draw
42. Fixed a bug with fleets remaining locked in port of canal controlling provinces if the province is taken by rebels
43. Removed port and airbase strike missions from available missions list on right-click over province with no port or airbase while a CV containing fleet is selected
44. Fixed issue in declare war panel layout causing random CTD - 1.00 issue
45. Fixed issue with text position in some situations (like long allies list) on declare war panel - 1.00 issue
46. Increased size of text buffers used for messages to reduce chance of text overflow
47. Added missing tool-tip for listed trades on Break Trade Agreement diplomatic action panel
48. Improved layout of Break Trade Agreement diplomatic action panel - fixed issue with header text exceeding panel borders for long country names, moved trades list to bottom
49. Improved layout of Send Expeditionary Force diplomatic action panel - fixed issue with header text exceeding panel borders for long country names, shortened units by one item and moved it slightly down and to the left
50. Tweaked Cancel button position on diplomatic actions panels to mirror position of OK button
51. Fixed switched enforcer and subject sides in non-aggression pacts
52. Fixed messages for non-aggression pacts (switched enforcer and subject sides)
53. Fixed incorrect sound played on some pop-up dialogs
54. Fixed issue with missing arrival to province message for auto-retreated units
55. Fixed missing country name on coup pop-up message for coups triggered by events.
56. Fixed invalid value shown on land_fort_eff event command tool-tip
57. Fixed invalid value shown on coast_fort_eff event command tool-tip
58. Fixed issue with incorrect combat modifiers (amphibious penalty) when a country switches sides on scenario start and immediately attacks enemy in the same province as own troops (like in 1945 scenario, HUN vs. GER)
59. Fixed bug with stacking penalty applied to friendly units supporting defense of airborne assaulted neighboring province
60. Fixed bug with river crossing (or amphibious assault) combat penalty for units attacking spawned rebels into the same province in some situations (depending on the previous province for the unit). Also addresses issue with these combat penalties not cleared on arrival to the province when supporting such attack from a neighboring one
61. Fixed issue with command limit of airborne units dropped to attacked by another units province not accounted properly (should be considered as another vector of attack with own command limit)
62. Fixed issue with truncated/incomplete long texts in game history log on higher horizontal display resolutions
63. Added missing string for a minister personality effect (diplomatic cost against own country) - 1.00 issue
64. Fixed issue with ESE bonus from offensive supply calculation (bonus was half of what tool-tip suggests)
65. Fixed issue with disabled task (mission) state for a country not preserved upon save/reload if default state of the task (misc.txt) is enabled - 1.00 issue
66. Fixed issue with dig in combat penalty applied to both attack and defense efficiency of bombers attacking entrenched land units while it should hamper attack efficiency only
67. Fixed issues and improved supply distance mod calculation (used as modifier on ORG regain, reinforce and upgrade speed of units)
68. Fixed issue with retreat province selection in some situations when previous province for the unit is controlled by enemy country (vanishing AI units)
69. Fixed issue with multiple end bombardment messages displayed when military controlled and owned by the player units are bombed in the same province
70. Fixed issue with resource command giving supplies on top of what it is supposed to give