Asus\Acer\etc apps, Alhimic, Nvidia Experience (or tweak it to disable affecting games automatically), Logi Options (or A4Tech\SteelSeries\Razer\etc apps).
Any apps that come from vendors, but not part of native drivers.
Pre-installed with PC apps if there is pre-installed OS when you buy it (mostly for notebooks).
Next, use Windows control to set sound: which one are default devices, maximum quality (for each device separately), disable 'exclusive mode for apps'.
Verify game files if you install it from GOG Galaxy (better at least twice in a row, cause currently Galaxy wont report results).
Or reinstall if you use GOG (offline) version.
Galaxy(\any clients) and games should be in D:\Games\Game-name-2\
and maybe first run as admin.
Go to video driver control panel(s) and set default dvice to discrete video, disable power saving (max performance pwer mode)(same for Windows Control Panel).
Maybe some more possible solutions here: [url=][/url] Sometimes Windows updates can broke DirectX and games. There is one 'Platform update' for Win7 do that, but that shouldn't affect this game (if no mention on PCGW, where i get that info for other games)?
Ofc PCGW as a Wiki not 100% accurate. Eg
this wrongly copy info from GOG thread and did miss that this i issue with Logitech app which one exactly not part of driver and cause issues - better remove it), not the Windows settings.