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WTF is going on with the legendary drops. Im getting them but everyone for the past few days has been CASTER OFF HANDS----that my warder cant use. The last 8 legendary drops I have been unlucky enough to get are useless, And when you kill the hardest bosses in the game like that hidden path queen or whatever she is is I get NOTHING. So ill never want to bother with that lame ass quest again.Just more items to throw in the legendary trash heap I suppose ,,Thats where this game is gonna go if this is how the rewards are gonna be handeled now. Thanks DEVS for supposedly improving the game only to make it fun for casters.

Make that 11 useless caster legendarys as of tonight.LMFAO Where is the improvement to 1006 update???
Oh and let me not forget the 4 useless caster epic drops.
BUT I did ger the new Warborn Visor----Blueprint.. and of course I dont have two of the items needed to craft it.How is that even possible after playing over 500 hours with 5 different chars.??
Post edited October 09, 2016 by fbm211
fbm211: WTF is going on with the legendary drops. Im getting them but everyone for the past few days has been CASTER OFF HANDS----that my warder cant use. The last 8 legendary drops I have been unlucky enough to get are useless, And when you kill the hardest bosses in the game like that hidden path queen or whatever she is is I get NOTHING. So ill never want to bother with that lame ass quest again.Just more items to throw in the legendary trash heap I suppose ,,Thats where this game is gonna go if this is how the rewards are gonna be handeled now. Thanks DEVS for supposedly improving the game only to make it fun for casters.

Make that 11 useless caster legendarys as of tonight.LMFAO Where is the improvement to 1006 update???
Oh and let me not forget the 4 useless caster epic drops.
BUT I did ger the new Warborn Visor----Blueprint.. and of course I dont have two of the items needed to craft it.How is that even possible after playing over 500 hours with 5 different chars.??
Well then I hate RNG....

But what isnt RNG is the fact that the DEVS made The Mad Queen UNBEATABLE by a Warder using a shield as well as having all legendary gear and is MAX level. I decided to play my first char that I havent used for months and have a go at her and although I could stand toe to toe with her and not take damage she did the same.I would manage to knock off about 10% health only to see she would heal right back to full health a moment later.This goes on for a half hour or more till I got sick of the BS and left the cave.

RNG sure is a pita.

UNBALENCED and unbeatable Boss fights...NO EXCUSE
fbm211: Well then I hate RNG....

But what isnt RNG is the fact that the DEVS made The Mad Queen UNBEATABLE by a Warder using a shield as well as having all legendary gear and is MAX level. I decided to play my first char that I havent used for months and have a go at her and although I could stand toe to toe with her and not take damage she did the same.I would manage to knock off about 10% health only to see she would heal right back to full health a moment later.This goes on for a half hour or more till I got sick of the BS and left the cave.

RNG sure is a pita.

UNBALENCED and unbeatable Boss fights...NO EXCUSE
RNG is kinda (ok I mean really) lame; I 've been getting multiple drops of the same legendary over and over and still there are many legenderies I haven't got. But to complain about unbeatable bosses... I have a 85lvl soldier and on ulti I can creep skip to get to bosses and nemesis. In addition I can facetank most with my eyes closed. Mate when you invest in survivability something else must give. The mad queen is a dps-check boss because every few seconds she will heal 15% of max health (and can shotgun you to death). I can't kill her either (though my gear is not pimped to the max), so I do feel the same frustration. However, think about what a wonderful time high dps characters have with enemies like the maiden who can charge you and deal truck loads of damage. The boss is not very fair but it's not unbalanced; your character and mine are unbalanced having extreme survivability at the cost of damage.
My advice get friends to help or level up a high dps champ for such occasions.

ps my assertion that she is not very fair stems from the fact that her abilities hurt more face tanking and only hit and run tactics can be effective.
Post edited October 12, 2016 by GOGuserAz
GOGuserAz: The mad queen is a dps-check boss because every few seconds she will heal 15% of max health (and can shotgun you to death).
You can completely avoid her self-heal attacks. Just don't try to facetank her, that's all. In many cases the only reason for bosses being "unbeatable" is that people are expecting to be able to facetank each and everything.

My vitality conjurer is surely not overpowered, but I managed ti kill the Mad Queen on Veteran, on Elite and on Ultimate, within reasonable time.
GOGuserAz: The mad queen is a dps-check boss because every few seconds she will heal 15% of max health (and can shotgun you to death).
shaboo_de: You can completely avoid her self-heal attacks. Just don't try to facetank her, that's all. In many cases the only reason for bosses being "unbeatable" is that people are expecting to be able to facetank each and everything.

My vitality conjurer is surely not overpowered, but I managed ti kill the Mad Queen on Veteran, on Elite and on Ultimate, within reasonable time.
Well up to elite it is quite possible to face-tank her. On ultimate, not. As for the heals I tried to do hit and run tactics and she still heals when I 'm away. From what I read on other forums it's not a life-steal ability but rather something akin to blood of dreeg. She doesn't seem to heal when you are further than a screen away but I 'm not 100% sure.
I have no expectations that my tank will be able to take on any boss without issues the same stands true for my other champs. My arcanist died several times before I could figure a way to deal with maiden and even then killing her is hard. However, my blademaster still stomps almost everything up to his lvl (63) (mad queen dead in 4 skill rotations) so the OP has a point about the game not being very balanced. STILL it must be noted that the mad queen, mogdrogen and the maiden are kinda optional and (at least the first two) very avoidable.

These posts are getting off topic though. OP has issues with RNG and I do find his frustration warranted... to some degree.
GOGuserAz: As for the heals I tried to do hit and run tactics and she still heals when I 'm away. From what I read on other forums it's not a life-steal ability but rather something akin to blood of dreeg. She doesn't seem to heal when you are further than a screen away but I 'm not 100% sure.
She's healing herself with those kind of spikes she's shooting in the ground. If these spikes don't hit you, she'll never heal. She has no built-in healing machanism like Blood of Dreeg. When I fought her using hit and run, she did not heal even once.
GOGuserAz: These posts are getting off topic though. OP has issues with RNG and I do find his frustration warranted... to some degree.
Totally agree here. It really wouldn't hurt if GD was sacrificing some crazy and frustrating randomness for a tiny bit of better playability.
shaboo_de: She's healing herself with those kind of spikes she's shooting in the ground. If these spikes don't hit you, she'll never heal. She has no built-in healing machanism like Blood of Dreeg. When I fought her using hit and run, she did not heal even once.
I went back yesterday (on ultimate) and still can't kill her. When you say spikes you mean those green circles forming at medium range around her?
On the forums there doesn't seem to be a consensus on when she heals and how to avoid it. Everyone has a different story. You say it's some spikes on the ground others say it's a red glow she gets after shrieking 3 times. I can't avoid the spikes on the ground cause she moves as fast as my character and can summon new ones at irregular intervals so timing my moves is not possible. Also sometimes she shrieks 3 times and sometimes 4 I can't see the pattern.

I still believe it's a DPS thing more than a tactical thing; You hit her with all you got and avoid her when she glows red. I used to not be able to kill Fabius (on Ult) because he heals every now and then but when I increased my dps he was easy. The queen is way beyond my soldier's low dps. I can easily kill all other nemesis and bosses in the game apart from her and mogdrogen and that is that. I 'll pay her a visit with my pyro when I reach ultimate.
Post edited October 13, 2016 by GOGuserAz
You still can be really glad about it. In the last 15-20 hours of play I got exactly 0 (zero) legendaries. After 4 days of total playtime with my conjurer. The RNGod hates me pretty much, it seems.
Post edited October 29, 2016 by Sephiroth1982
Yeah, the drop rate seems a LOT worse than it was prior to 1005.
I started a 2 handed warder to focus more on damage and am at level 52 and havent gotten a single legendary yet and I bet when I do get one it will most likely be something I cant use. But at least I now have the items I need to craft the Warborn Visor.)Another reason I started another char---So I could craft haunted steel required for the visor) I doubt Ill ever see any of the other parts of that set though.
fbm211: I started a 2 handed warder to focus more on damage and am at level 52 and havent gotten a single legendary yet
Enemies start dropping legendaries around level 50, so how many do you expect to have at level 52??!!
Try playing with other people. The drop rate increases across all tables.