hotcatz: As the title really, is the multiplayer a full co-op run through of the single player game or is it a death match / arena type of thing?
Thanks in advance
mikesla.980: You could play Coop, or PVP. It is up to the host.
For PVP it's not arena style, it just means anyone who joins in can slaughter you if they come across you in the game world, BUT they cannot take your gear.
Coop is based on two things, instanced loot drops are not shared meaning that you will each have loot to pick up, if it's not instanced then even though you made the kill the loot can be stolen by anyone who is with you which happened to me, and really ticked me off to no end.
It still technically can happen as any item you pickup up due to move to cursor preferentially doing so instead of attacking will instead drop the item if your inventory is full.
The game treats this as an item discard and makes it visible to anyone your with allowing them to click to pick up.
It's annoying trying to figure out who gets what after a mob scene playing with a friend because you have to go back and decide to divvy it up which takes effort and otherwise breaks up the intense hack and slash action.