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this DLC is free ...

but not...
well, crate has it made more than clear that this DLC is free for the kickstarter backers only. even those who bought the "early access"-version on steam will have to pay for the DLC, too.

now, what I would really appreciate, though, was if it worked^^.

right now one can play this the crucible only with new characters, as those that we have leveled with oh so much skill (eerm :p) and care are just not able to enter the crucible.

ah well, at least it has been recognised as an issue by "zantai" and a fast hotfix for us gog-users has been promised.

well, they have submitted the fix to gog

should it take too long and you (as myself) cannot wait - here is a do it your self from zantai


edit: have not been able to post the full link, but if you are imaginative enough you will not need the hint of www. .....
Post edited August 03, 2016 by araptis
thank you Araptis !