Ennet: Maybe I am just an idiot, but I can't find the Scenario Editor. I've installed all three of the Great Battles and i can't find the scenario editor in either of their folders nor can i find an additional download for it. Is it only me who is blind or did it go missing when the three games were unbundled?
It isn't there. The GBCE file is, but it won't launch, gives a missing CD Rom message. I tried using Win 95 compatibility mode, etc., no luck.
I might give it a shot reinstalling Caesar and the editor player from the original CD and applying patches. I had Caesar working just fine in Windows 7 from the original CD installer until I replaced with the GOG download. Now it is broken. I actually preferred Alexander and Hannibal over Caesar anyway, but I would like to be able to play the user made scenarios again. Until the GOG installer for Alex and Hannibal I couldn't get them to work.