Darktorne: Hi all,
I can't progress the game since I'm playing on a notebook and I can't scroll through blueprints and stuff.
Is there a makeshift workaround atm?
Are the devs adressing this problem?
Would love to keep playing <3
I've solved problem by using program AutoHotKey as ErPanfi mentioned. It run script so you have to make a script.
After downloaded and instaled program you have to make a new file with .ahk extension: 1.Right-Click on your desktop. 2.Find "New" in the menu. 3.Click "AutoHotkey Script" inside the "New" menu. 4.Give the script a new name. It must end with a .ahk extension. For example: MyScript.ahk 5.Find the newly created file on your desktop and right-click it. 6.Click "Edit Script". Copy and past this into your file:
#IfWinActive Graveyard Keeper [::WheelUp return #IfWinActive Graveyard Keeper ]::WheelDown return 8.Save the File.
9.Double-click the file/icon in the desktop to run it.
Now if you run a game Graveyard Keeper and press
[ or
] key it acts like mouse wheel scrolled up or down.
You can use other keys for example PgUp::WheelUp and PgDn::WheelDown or combinations of keys (for this read basic help of this program).
Earlier I used to run a program
Mouse Emulator. Its simpler to begin. After unzip just run executable mousemu..exe
The program recognizes the following keys: (NumLock must be ON!) Keypad 7 - Mousewheel up (Scroll) Keypad 9 - Mousewheel down (Scroll) but for me it's more complicated because I play on PC pluged to a TV using wireless little keyboard with touchpad and the numeric keys are shared with normal ones.
Sorry for my english.