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In the begining I was happy to play , but then the bugs started.. I reported the bugs, had some good feeback, but then, all of a sudden NO more feedback and the bugs got worse, especially after the Zombie patch.

Come on guys I do love the game but it realy seems like Ive wasted by hard earned money on it if we the community dont hear from you about how your going to fix our issues.

Please, please talk to us.

At least let us know that you have started working on the issues we reoport to you, thats what GOOD customer relationships are all about.

Im prepaied to wait , just a little bit longer fot you to come to the party.. So Please ...
I checked the Steam version, and they are just like us. It is very rare that they have not made any updates or patches in these last weeks. At least in Steam the developers posts the news or other issues regarding the game in the forums, but in GOG unfortunately they do not, and if one doesn`t visit the Steam forums, one would have the feeling that they disappeared completely. :(
I was thinking in buying the game in this sale, but i will pass after reading about this breaking bug and reading also this from the developer:

"Solved", he says, but no patch to fix it and no other statement from them, even after knowing that the actual version has this bug (since past December!) and that it is a gamebreaking one, also :S

Oh, well, maybe next sale.
doctorwatsonscat: In the begining I was happy to play , but then the bugs started.. I reported the bugs, had some good feeback, but then, all of a sudden NO more feedback and the bugs got worse, especially after the Zombie patch.

Come on guys I do love the game but it realy seems like Ive wasted by hard earned money on it if we the community dont hear from you about how your going to fix our issues.

Please, please talk to us.

At least let us know that you have started working on the issues we reoport to you, thats what GOOD customer relationships are all about.

Im prepaied to wait , just a little bit longer fot you to come to the party.. So Please ...
Same here, i love the game 70% and it could easily be 100%, but the npc-bugs are a real moodkiller. If you, dear developers, would get that fixed, this game you made is to be a classic top-gem people will likely talk about for a long time, and buyers will see clear positive reviews of others. But in the state it is now, it really turns you off at a certain frustration level. I just hope this is not another "devs quit" situation: you have to forgive us, enthusiast gamers, to panic about this, as there are many times i and i believe many others have been deceived by half finished work in a so called full fixed release. Cheers!
doctorwatsonscat: In the begining I was happy to play , but then the bugs started.. I reported the bugs, had some good feeback, but then, all of a sudden NO more feedback and the bugs got worse, especially after the Zombie patch.

Come on guys I do love the game but it realy seems like Ive wasted by hard earned money on it if we the community dont hear from you about how your going to fix our issues.

Please, please talk to us.

At least let us know that you have started working on the issues we reoport to you, thats what GOOD customer relationships are all about.

Im prepaied to wait , just a little bit longer fot you to come to the party.. So Please ...
nightkondor: Same here, i love the game 70% and it could easily be 100%, but the npc-bugs are a real moodkiller. If you, dear developers, would get that fixed, this game you made is to be a classic top-gem people will likely talk about for a long time, and buyers will see clear positive reviews of others. But in the state it is now, it really turns you off at a certain frustration level. I just hope this is not another "devs quit" situation: you have to forgive us, enthusiast gamers, to panic about this, as there are many times i and i believe many others have been deceived by half finished work in a so called full fixed release. Cheers!
Likewise. So far you have better chances reaching out to the devs on the steam forums! Just saying. Also they seem to be a very small team and they currently do work on at least 2-3 projects. A new game afaik and a DLC/GYK2 or something like that (Town DLC or so idk).

Anyway reach out in Stteam FOrums to them. ;)
nightkondor: I just hope this is not another "devs quit" situation: you have to forgive us, enthusiast gamers, to panic about this, as there are many times i and i believe many others have been deceived by half finished work in a so called full fixed release. Cheers!
This very game developer is one of the "never finishes their games" crew lol

It's very good content and after several years they manage to complete it to around 70% (like Punch Club), but the remaining 30% will never come, despite how much they pretend to.

They do the math: How much more money would we grab if we finish our last game, versus how much more money would we grab if we release a new game for every casual player platform?

You would see this developer releasing a pink unicorns videogame for teenage girls in Facebook, Android, iOS, Kindle, Netflix and Instagram before they finish Graveyard Keeper.

But I said I expect them to get Graveyard Keeper to Punch Club levels of finish (around 70%), that would be sad but better than nothing (currently not many developers make games like this anymore)
nightkondor: Same here, i love the game 70% and it could easily be 100%, but the npc-bugs are a real moodkiller. If you, dear developers, would get that fixed, this game you made is to be a classic top-gem people will likely talk about for a long time, and buyers will see clear positive reviews of others. But in the state it is now, it really turns you off at a certain frustration level. I just hope this is not another "devs quit" situation: you have to forgive us, enthusiast gamers, to panic about this, as there are many times i and i believe many others have been deceived by half finished work in a so called full fixed release. Cheers!
classicsftw: Likewise. So far you have better chances reaching out to the devs on the steam forums! Just saying. Also they seem to be a very small team and they currently do work on at least 2-3 projects. A new game afaik and a DLC/GYK2 or something like that (Town DLC or so idk).

Anyway reach out in Stteam FOrums to them. ;)
Shouldn't they be supporting and fixing this game before releasing another broken game?
doctorwatsonscat: In the begining I was happy to play , but then the bugs started.. I reported the bugs, had some good feeback, but then, all of a sudden NO more feedback and the bugs got worse, especially after the Zombie patch.
I'm currently playing v1.205 and it's been working fine for the 25+ hrs I spent in the game. No bugs detected. So probably all is fine now?
When they released the previous update, I couldn´t enter to play the game, but luckily the new update fixed that problem. Did anyone buy the expansion? Is it good or is it a waste of money?