Posted October 25, 2009

Mordrag in the Old Camp can guide you to the New Camp once you get a quest from Thorus to get rid of him. As far as ore goes you should never trade away ore during normal trading so that you always have as much ore as possible available for ore-only purchases. Investing in the hunting skills will cost you only a few LPs and will provide you with an unending supply of trophies from the creatures you kill. Once I invested in hunting skills I had enough trade goods to be able to gobble up every trader's ore reserve which left me with more than enough ore for ore-only purchases.
Risen becomes significantly more challenging in later chapters (I started playing on Medium--the default--but finally turned it down to Easy because I was dying too often for my liking). The combat also becomes harder because more powerful enemies can use power attacks that break your block. Merchants in Risen pull as much gold as they need out of thin air (as in Gothic II) so the ore preservation issue is no more, but since training costs gold as well as LPs (as in Gothic 3) money is still a serious concern until at least Chapter 2.