Fesin: I'm not quite sure if I understand you correctly, but to my knowledge there isn't any bug regarding Mario in the Gold version.
I do have an idea, although I don't know if it will work.
1. Make a backup of your safe game
2. Open your character menu (normally "C", if you didn't change it) type MARVIN and close it again. You should do that very fast, and it can take a few tries.
3. If you see "Marvin Mode" you are now in cheat mode.
4. Kill Mario in Marvin mode by pointing the focus on him, then press "F2" to open to console and type "kill" (press enter, obviously)
5. then type "insert None_101_Mario", another Mario should appear Mario should be alive again.
6. Close the console.
7. Open the characte menu, type "42" and close it again.
8. You should now see the phrase "What was the question?" appear.
9. Teleport to another part of the island and go to sleep, just to make sure the game will accept the changes and adjust.
10. Talk to Mario and see if it worked.
Again, no guarantee it will work.
Well it did not work, actually, so ... Is there any option to just continue the game without Mario, anyway?