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Need help with low FPS in G2 Gold Edition

My stack:

16GB ram
2xSSD (m.2 samsung)
Geforce GTX960M
Intel Core i5-6300HQ 2.30GHz

G2 (GOG edition)
Fix 2.6
System Pack 1.8
PlayerKit 2.8

DX11 17.7

I turned off shadows which did help but still I think it should be possible to play this title on max setup with shadows enabled.

It might be related to below params, how to configure them properly?
Any other ideas are most welcome
Is there any difference between the Steam version and the one on GOG with regards to just getting the game to run?
Oathed: Is there any difference between the Steam version and the one on GOG with regards to just getting the game to run?
Both should be the same with the exception that the Steam version need steam to be running so the Overlay might cause problems with older games (unless you disable the overlay.).
Post edited September 21, 2021 by alexandros050
The directx 11 renderer download link isn't safe.

Better link for the report version executable:

Actually nevermind. I can't seem to find one for Gothic 1? The one linked to in the OP is the same, and it's for Gothic 2. It won't let me pick the system folder of Gothic 1 to install to.
Post edited September 29, 2021 by ResidentLeever
alexandros050: Both should be the same with the exception that the Steam version need steam to be running so the Overlay might cause problems with older games (unless you disable the overlay.).
Tyvm. Much appreciated.
Hi, I think I'm gonna need some extra help after triying to install the patches for Gothic 1 to work. And let me humbly add that I'm REALLY sick of this kind of stuff here in GoG were we pay for games that are getting close to 20 years old in various cases and we still need to be searching trough forums and reddit threats to find different mods and patches to make the games even run on the first place. The whole point of these game apps is to make them accesible for the money.

So after investigating the threads and checking Mandalore's video again I'm aware of the need of Gothic 1's Playerkit and Systempack , the problem is, after downloading them, the install window is not allowing me to accept the installation maybe because is not detecting the game folder from an original installation of the game (I have GoG galaxy), but even looking for GoG's games folder and clicking for Gothic 1's is not working, I'm incapable of install the necessary patches to play, what is going on exactly? is the Galaxy file of the game just not good to even play with paches?.

Thank you.
Post edited September 11, 2022 by Herbron
chautemoc: Note: all items here apply to Gothic & Gothic II, except the Gothic 3 Community Patch. Also, some instructions and links are outdated. See here for some updated info. I'm not on GOG much anymore, so feel free to PM me for any specific updates you want to see to this guide, or if you want to write a new guide, do that and PM me with it and I may replace mine with it. Alternately, write a new guide and message mods/staff and see if they'll sticky it.

DirectX 11 Renderer

Significantly improves the graphics and performance in Gothic 1 & II by utilizing the much more modern DirectX 11 renderer. To get this working with Gothic, follow these steps:

1. Go to the system folder in the installation folder and make a copy of Gothic.exe called Gothic2.exe.
2. Install Report-Version: Gothic2.exe
3. Install the latest version of the mod.
4. Run the game with Gothic2.exe (you can update your shortcuts for convenience).

(Thanks, Arkose)

See the link for a variety of other mods recommended for use in conjunction with this one.

Custom resolution
For Gothic or Gothic II, open your gothic.ini file in the install folder and change the "zVidResFullscreen" items to your default resolution, and the zVidResFullscreenBPP item to 32. Now copy the file and rename it, then open notepad and paste this text:

copy gothic.ini /Y

Save this as gothic.bat (all file types) in the same folder. Launch as normal.

For Gothic II, use the unofficial patch below to improve FOV (this comes with potential concerns, though).

Gothic mouse controls
Change the control settings to "alternative" in your in-game settings for somewhat reasonable controls by modern standards. Gothic controls were designed around a keyboard with mouse support added late in development, however, so the experience will never be great. Note to newbies: to interact, attack, etc., hold the left mouse button and use the WASD keys as appropriate to "direct" your action (eg. W to open a chest/attack forward, A or D to attack sideways, etc).

kohan69 recommends setting the mouse sensitivity line in gothic.ini to 3 instead of 1. Experiment with numbers 1 through 10 to find what you like best.

Gothic Unofficial Patch
Popular patch by Ironkeep Studios which fixes many bugs still present in the latest official version. Some say it causes more problems than it fixes, so be cautious. My personal experience with Gothic was almost bug-free, so you may want to go without.

Gothic Textures Patch
Significantly enhances the graphics of Gothic. Player Kit (below) required.

Gothic Player Kit
Install this to play/use the fan made modifications (mostly adventures) found here.

Unlock framerate (Gothic)
After installing the Player Kit, download and install the patch above to unlock the framerate from 25fps to whatever your machine can handle. Should provide a much more smooth gameplay experience.

More blood
To increase the amount of blood in Gothic / Gothic 2 (it was censored by the powers that be, if I recall), open Gothic.ini (found in your install folder) and change "bloodDetail 1" to "bloodDetail 3". This is useful for tracking enemies, also.

Stop NPC chatter
If you're annoyed by the frequency of repetitive NPC chatter in Gothic, do the following:

-create 'speech' folder in _work/data/sound
-download the NicoVDFS tool
-set root path in NicoVSFS to _work/data/sound/speech
-open speech.vdf with it
-extract all files from it to the new folder
-delete speech.vdf
-search folder for 'smalltalk' and delete all files containing the phrase

The same can be done with Gothic 2 using this version of the tool, though it seems to cause stuttering.

Thanks to alexei_net for this tip.

Gothic II IronKeep Community Patch
Another series of bug fixes from IronKeep Studios. Also improves FOV on widescreen monitors and improves textures. One user warns against installing the full patch and going a more minimalist approach (details here). As with G1, the game is pretty well bug-free, so you may want to skip this.

Gothic II Texture Pack
Significantly improves the textures and meshes in Gothic II.

Command console
In either game, enter the character/status screen and type "marvin" (no quotes). Exit the screen. You should see "Marvin mode" in the top left of the screen. Now, after hitting F2 to open the console, you can activate a variety of commands for various effects (see: Gothic commands, Gothic II commands).

One function which should prove useful to most is teleportation -- handy if you have to get halfway across the world and don't want to walk. To do this in Gothic, type goto waypoint [waypoint] -- in the brackets goes the location you want to travel to. See for the list of accepted location codenames. For Gothic II, simply type the name of the desired location listed [url=]here.

Gothic 3 Community Patch
Very popular overhaul which was since incorporated by JoWood into an official package. It makes the game look and play better improved performance, mechanics, graphics, plus bug fixes, and a whole lot more. For all the details, consult the . GOG has [url=]confirmed the final version (1.74) is compatible with the GOG release.


Further tweaking can be done by opening gothic.ini and reading descriptions. Be careful, of course, and keep a backup default copy in case you mess something up.

If I've missed anything imperative or useful, please let me know and I'll add it.
Just want to say that this post for "fixes" is no longer valid as the GOG version is up-to-date with 1.08k

Using the gothic1_Playerkit & SystemPack updates do not work as intended with Windows 10 after June 2022 Updates and result in failed launches or black screen softlocks of Windows Explorer.

A vanilla install of Gothic 1 works fine without any need to apply patches. Resolutions go upwards from 1440p 32bit and higher. Some of the patches provided in this post are no longer available and likely lost unless they are archived elsewhere.

D3D11 patch also fails to launch Gothic 1 (making a copy of the original and renaming it as Gothic2.exe)
Here is a summary for Gothic 2 if anyone is still struggling:

1) install Gothic 2 and run it once
from here on out always change the installation folder to \Gothic 2 Gold\ when prompted

2) install gothic2_fix-

3) install Gothic2_PlayerKit-2.8.exe

4) install G2NoTR-SystemPack-1.8.exe

5) extract (serves as SystemPack 1.9) under \Gothic 2 Gold\System\

6) install GD3D11-17.8-dev14_Setup.exe

7) apply 4GB Large Address Aware patch to \Gothic 2 Gold\system\GothicStarter.exe
and to \Gothic 2 Gold\system\Gothic2.exe

8) install normalmap pack G2_Gold_Remaster_D3D11_NormalMaps.1.exe

9) install G2_Gold_Remaster_v2.3_Multilanguage.exe

10) to start the game use \Gothic 2 Gold\system\GothicStarter.exe

11) open in-game settings menu using F11 or CTRL+F11 to access advanced options
Post edited December 04, 2023 by Ilsyde
I just installed Gothic 1 on my Windows 11 laptop using GOG Galaxy. What happens when I launch the game is... nothing. With Task Manager I can see as many gothic.exe tasks, labeled "GOTHIC (32 Bit)", as I have launched, but: no window, no error message... No game!

By chance I found this discussion, but it's quite long and not a step-by-step guide, so I quickly discarded it. I then found the World of Gothic website.

I installed the following:
1. gothic_patch_108k.exe
2. gothic1_playerkit-1.08k.exe
3. Union_1.0m_26.06.2022.exe
4. Ninja-2.9.15.exe
5. G1Classic-SystemPack-1.8.exe
6. G1CP-1.2.0.exe

After installing all this I can now launch Gothic 1 using the Launcher "<Installation Folder>\system\GothicStarter.exe". Note that without some of those patches there is no "GothicStarter". I simply changed the Application entry in the desktop shortcut that was installed by GOG Galaxy accordingly.

I didn't really check what the bare minimum would be to run the game on Windows 11. I'm a bit angry at GOG that they haven't tested their release on the current version of Windows, and that it is necessary to manually patch the game to get it working. @GOG: you should do better!

Anyway, there should be a sticky post about what is needed AS A MINIMUM to get the game working on Windows 11. I hope that my posting helps someone, but it's also one single posting in a longer discussion that soon someone else will simply not read, due to its length... or then skip intentionally, due to it being out-dated at the time...
Post edited August 28, 2024 by Andtha
Andtha: I just installed Gothic 1 on my Windows 11 laptop using GOG Galaxy. What happens when I launch the game is... nothing. With Task Manager I can see as many gothic.exe tasks, labeled "GOTHIC (32 Bit)", as I have launched, but: no window, no error message... No game!

By chance I found this discussion, but it's quite long and not a step-by-step guide, so I quickly discarded it. I then found the World of Gothic website.

I installed the following:
1. gothic_patch_108k.exe
2. gothic1_playerkit-1.08k.exe
3. Union_1.0m_26.06.2022.exe
4. Ninja-2.9.15.exe
5. G1Classic-SystemPack-1.8.exe
6. G1CP-1.2.0.exe

After installing all this I can now launch Gothic 1 using the Launcher "<Installation Folder>\system\GothicStarter.exe". Note that without some of those patches there is no "GothicStarter". I simply changed the Application entry in the desktop shortcut that was installed by GOG Galaxy accordingly.

I didn't really check what the bare minimum would be to run the game on Windows 11. I'm a bit angry at GOG that they haven't tested their release on the current version of Windows, and that it is necessary to manually patch the game to get it working. @GOG: you should do better!

Anyway, there should be a sticky post about what is needed AS A MINIMUM to get the game working on Windows 11. I hope that my posting helps someone, but it's also one single posting in a longer discussion that soon someone else will simply not read, due to its length... or then skip intentionally, due to it being out-dated at the time...
You installed System Pack and Union at the same time? SP should be unnecessary, as Union replaces it, no?
Thank you for all your help, but this one seems to be missing, the website is not working.

I installed everything else from your list for Gothic 2 and it seems to be working pretty well. Not sure what I'm missing, but I haven't had problems yet.