bushwhacker2k: What's with the chest at the Valley of Mines Castle that cannot ever be opened?
helpo1: Nothing. There are some chests in the game that simply... can't be opened. They're just for decoration.
Does that count Salindril's chest or have I just not figured that one out yet?
bushwhacker2k: What does Hanna's Key go to?
helpo1: It opens a chest on the treasure island (opposite the harbor). Plus, if you'll go there, don't forget to use the torch in the first room.
Ohh, huh.
It would be nice if they let you know that a specific key fit a lock. (Then I could ditch the vague things that just take up inventory space. :D )
helpo1: BTW, if you want to add a new question a week after the last reply, you definitely can write a new post. This would probably go overlooked for quite a while (just like it did :P).
Ah, okay! :D Does the thread not get updated if I don't post a new comment?