lordhoff: It is possible; I did it but I don't think the tasks are open to you (so long ago ---). You can get onto a wall or roof via the mountains behind it.
Gerin: It makes sense that getting the key from Pedro triggers the dialogues and quests. If those aren't available then I'm only slightly curious about climbing over but there isn't much point in it. I did mercenary quests just for xp but didn't join and would do the same with the mages, but if I have to join to even get started then I won't bother.
Besides, as I posted on the general forum, it doesn't feel realistic or logical to get all bogged down in side quests when there is a supposedly urgent story arc unfolding. Maybe it's for the best to leave some of them alone and get on with the mission of stopping orcs, dragons, etc al.
Yes. The big orc army. Behind the wooden wall. Heh.
Try and climb over it ;)
I saw on YouTube that it's possible to climb over the wall and get into the monastery without the key. I want to try that too.
Oh yeah. I forgot about that. Damn, it has been so long X'D.
You still have to get the timing right.