Posted April 17, 2013

(Again) I'm a bit late with my answer. Nevertheless, here it is:
Keep in mind that only Lee teaches advanced two-handed weapons (if you wanna go that way), but he requires that you must be skilled in one-handed weapons first. The game notes that you should have mastered one-handed first, while in reality you only need first step (you learn that from Scotty). But that is mandatory, otherwise Lee will refuse to train you.
Since I made this post and went on to finish the game I've actually learned that if you try to complete ALL or 90% of the quest you should have plenty of points for both one and two handed. By the time I finished I was very skilled at both as well as having a good dose of acrobatics as well as being a fair shot with a crossbow (thought to be honest I don't think I saw the need for a ranged weapon once in the whole game).