bushwhacker2k: I've actually found myself almost never blocking attacks in G1. It only seems to activate at certain times (not while I'm being attacked) and then it only lasts for a second or two. Not a bad idea though, I'll probably have to play with it a bit
Easier put, you do a parry move (or parade) when you press Ctrol + S.
It is a good idea to learn the move, because if you'll look carefully, you'll see that every NPC of the same type uses a standard attack combo, thus you actually know or predict 100% accurately what their next attack will be.
For example: When a humanoid attacks you, you should do the following
- parry (Ctrl+S)
followed by a quick side attack
- side attack (Ctrl +A / D).
This works well when you're rookie. If you master your weapon, you can do:
- side attack (Ctrl+A/D) + power attack (Ctrl +W).
...and repeat.
Just keep in mind that you need to focus on your timing, and that attack speed increases as you raise your mastery with a type of weapon.
P.S. Concerning the orcs, they always open the fight with power attack, so you don't need to worry about parrying it. Just do a side attack (or two) and back up one step. Repeat. Also, this works in G2 as well.