Posted April 04, 2009
The mix of many genres and types of gameplay is great but it really feels unfinished. There should be more variety within the particular genre, because it becomes repetitive. Mostly you don't notice it because of the fast pace and because of the gameplay type changes, but sometimes it really hurts the game. The jetski races in Delphi's segment are bad and then the whole last act, where you play as titular Kabuto feels like developers ran out of money and/or ideas bacause not only it's the simpliest and most repetitive segment but unlike the previous acts, it lacks any story developement and those great hilarious cutscenes. What a pity. The RTS missions are the most complex but unfortunately they're very simple too, there is no enemy AI and mission objectives and gameplay are always the same. And there is not many of them. Because of this, Giants are a perfect game for kids or for adults, who just want to play something simple and relaxing for a while but personaly I would prefer something more elaborate.