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This specific portion:

It gave me a Lufia 2 deja-vu, when skipped thru the Lufia 2 OST i couldn't locate it.

Am I going nuts?
Naw you're not. "Last duel" was what you were looking for. would post a link but can't. sorry.
I would say yes, you are going nuts. :-P
Anyway, I did find a couple secs of similarity in the mentioned Lufia II - Last Duel track, but it ain't much IMHO. Granted, I don't know exactly what to look for, since I am not nostalgic about the title.

I would say that it's pretty much just faithful to the Great Giana Sisters 1987 original track: The Great Giana Sisters - Theme (Menu / Main Title).
That track has been stuck in my head, since I first played the game back in the late 1980s at a friend's house.