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I got this game because the reviews are good here and on Amazon. But I was stunned at how utterly mundane the game is. I mean really boring!
You basically send your ghosts to the various rooms to scare people out. And that's it. No skill, no danger, no surprise. Brainless. You point, click... the person gets afraid and leaves the house. And you do it again and again until they leave.
The presentation is nice, with good graphics and high quality sound production
But this isn't a game, there's just nothing to do!
This game is a tactical/strategic game, and there's no killing in the game. Well, actually you and your team are already dead :).
This game needs real thinking and a functioning brain, underage kids with ADHD can't handle it.
Go play with NFS or your Playbox Statiion 360, this game is not for you.
Some parts of this game were nice, but I'll give you that it's far more mundane then I had expected.
Well i brought the game cause it was in the bargin bin at the warehouse and i dont tend to get too down when I buy a cheep game and it turns out to be boring. But it is annoying when you read the reviews,get excited and then get let down cause its not what you we expecting. Personally I think the game needed more to it than it has. But over all Id give it a 4 out of 10.
I didn't find it boring. The main thing that was a letdown for me was that the game doesn't have an ending. It's obvious though that the OP has hardly played it at all.
Some of the later levels require a bit of extra thinking. Events have to happen in a specific order to chase people into certain areas. (Or you can get lucky and have them go from A to B anyway).
For what it is, I found the game enjoyable enough. Mind you, I don't read any hype.
This game is definitely not for people expecting high-energy chases through houses. What it is, though, is a finely crafted strategy game that focuses on management over reflex. I admit, there are moments where you have to be patient, but I'm not sure I would ever call these points in the game "mundane".
I can't even speak to the end of this game, since I never could get past all of the levels. What I did play, though, was interesting, especially with the constant introduction of new ghosts, customized leveling, replay value to earn more ghosts and points, etc.
Mostly, the credit I give the game is for its outstanding creatvity and its courage for trying something truly new. That should mean something, at least.
I could see you might feel lef down, but in my opinion i though that this was a very original game experience. i loved the different ghosts, and seeing parodies of some of my favorite old ghost movies was also a fun treat. i spent 5 bucks on this game and i also love it because, frankly, it does not try to hard to be something its not. i am sorry you did not like the game OP
How many levels did you play? The early ones are easy but the later levels are trickier. Unlocking every single ghost for each level and getting all the medals is also VERY HARD
I disagree with your comments RE skill. The later levels require you to pick the right team, and coordinate scares at the right time. The presence of ghost busters and whatnot do require some management.
Quite frankly I agree with the OP. This game is a major let down. Its horribly boring and yes I did play it a bit. It might get more stratigic in the later levels but in all the levels I played the game was pretty much summed up as "Put a ghost in a room, turn on powers, go have lunch, come back, You win!" Unfortunetly you cant unbuy what you have bought but I dont mind too much as it supports GOG.
BwarRoo: Quite frankly I agree with the OP. This game is a major let down. Its horribly boring and yes I did play it a bit. It might get more stratigic in the later levels but in all the levels I played the game was pretty much summed up as "Put a ghost in a room, turn on powers, go have lunch, come back, You win!" Unfortunetly you cant unbuy what you have bought but I dont mind too much as it supports GOG.

Most of the game isn't even like that like the first handful of levels so you can get an idea of how your ghosts work but after that it gets really, really hard.
sterby: This game is a tactical/strategic game, and there's no killing in the game. Well, actually you and your team are already dead :).
This game needs real thinking and a functioning brain, underage kids with ADHD can't handle it.
Go play with NFS or your Playbox Statiion 360, this game is not for you.

"Go play with your Playbox Station 360" is one of the funniest rebuttals I have ever heard LOL
I love Ghost Master, it is challenging, hilarious, and there are lots of ways to achieve your goals. it may not be the fastest game in the world but COME ON, you wanted to be scared? you are CONTROLING the ghosts :P shesh
BwarRoo: Quite frankly I agree with the OP. This game is a major let down. Its horribly boring and yes I did play it a bit. It might get more stratigic in the later levels but in all the levels I played the game was pretty much summed up as "Put a ghost in a room, turn on powers, go have lunch, come back, You win!" Unfortunetly you cant unbuy what you have bought but I dont mind too much as it supports GOG.

Obviously you barely played it.
This game gets much trickier once you move off the first "page"