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Seasons after Fall现已发售DRM-free无数字保护版。该游戏可在北京时间6月26日晚9点前以25折的优惠获得。


Seasons After Fall是一款2D平面解谜游戏,你能深入一个位于地下的迷人小宇宙并探索一个由魔法和自然掌控的土地。作为一只野生狐狸,你拥有随心改变季节的能力并借此进行危险的旅行,在这2D迷人世界中享受之时还有着弦乐四重奏令你流连忘返。


Seasons after Fall is now available DRM-free. Get it 75% off until June 26th, 1pm UTC.

Seasons After Fall is a 2D platform-puzzler game that will let you dive into a captivating universe and explore a land governed by magic and nature. As a wild fox you are sent on a perilous journey aided only by your ability to change the seasons at will, manipulating a gorgeous 2D world backed by an enchanting live string quartet.