JudasIscariot: So is this a good price or am I missing something here? :D
Starmaker: It's a preorder for a $560 Limited edition console bundle where you have to pay a nonrefundable $15 (so, 2.7%) upfront. I don't understand the sarcasm; seems great as preorder offers go unless they jack up the price on the console in the interim or something. When I preordered a $4000 bike in 2014, I had to pay $1000 (25%) upfront, and the wording on the contract screwed me currency-fluctuations-wise coming and going, so when the rouble collapsed I had to pony up $3500 in newly depreciated roubles, oh joy.
What IS shady is the nonrefundable clause; penalties for not finishing a purchase are explicitly illegal in B2C (including nonrefundable preorders), they tried to word around it by offering the preorder as a separate product, which shouldn't hold up in court but totally will because it's 1C. FFS the licensing terms for their accounting software are kept secret from end users.
Ээээ, а русский дубель увидеть можно? Я, в целом, смысл ухватил. Но первый и последний абзацы мне показались противоречивыми. Поэтому хотелось бы увидеть авторскую интертрепацию поста на великом и могучем.
И вообще, тут роде русскоязычный кусок форума. Разве не будет хорошим тоном дублировать свои ангельские посты на русском (если автор поста в достаточной мере владеет оным (языком))?