Posted November 28, 2019
Feedback / TL;DR:
It would be nice if you could start up a list of equivalent search terms (like "&" and "and") so that people can more reliably find the titles they are looking for in the future. Thanks :)
Just a little while ago, I saw that the Heroes of Might & Magic franchise had a 90% off lightning deal on the GOG store. Before making a purchase, I went over to Galaxy 2.0 to check my library and make sure I didn't already have the games on another launcher. I searched "Might and Magic" and only HoMM5 showed up in the search results. I went ahead and purchased titles 2 through 4, then went back to Galaxy to view them. I searched this time instead for "Heroes" and discovered that I had in fact already owned HoMM 2 and 4 on other platforms (humble and Uplay). The reason I didn't find them the first time is that they are listed using the ampersand symbol "&" instead of the word "and", which is used in the fifth installment.
Unfortunately it seems GOG only allows refunds if a game has technical issues, and not more for more personal reasons like this. Fortunately I only spent $1 on each game so I didn't waste too much on it.
It would be nice if you could start up a list of equivalent search terms (like "&" and "and") so that people can more reliably find the titles they are looking for in the future. Thanks :)
Just a little while ago, I saw that the Heroes of Might & Magic franchise had a 90% off lightning deal on the GOG store. Before making a purchase, I went over to Galaxy 2.0 to check my library and make sure I didn't already have the games on another launcher. I searched "Might and Magic" and only HoMM5 showed up in the search results. I went ahead and purchased titles 2 through 4, then went back to Galaxy to view them. I searched this time instead for "Heroes" and discovered that I had in fact already owned HoMM 2 and 4 on other platforms (humble and Uplay). The reason I didn't find them the first time is that they are listed using the ampersand symbol "&" instead of the word "and", which is used in the fifth installment.
Unfortunately it seems GOG only allows refunds if a game has technical issues, and not more for more personal reasons like this. Fortunately I only spent $1 on each game so I didn't waste too much on it.
Post edited November 28, 2019 by BlacRyu