corwyn77: How "hard" is the requirement for Win 8? What does 8 have that is required that Win 7 64 bit doesn't have? Has anyone tried it on 7?
Windows 8 is end of life and Gog made a typo... it should say Windows 8.1 which is a different system to 8
the main difference between Windows 7 and later models is Ram, latter versions of Windows NEED a lot more Ram than 7 did and that is because apps \ programs are loaded into system Ram during use to improve performance
yes people have got Galaxy 2 to install to Windows 7... no its not going to run well unless you force feed it Ram and even then expect issues running it in the background while you play your games
with your Galaxy is already running issue [see screengrabs] i would look if you have it set to autostart... untick the option