Cid_Lodbroc: The plugin is broken again, and this fix no longer works for me.
paladin677: I was able to get it working with a similar fix as above.
1. Quit GOG Galaxy completely.
2. In the Microsoft Edge browser (Chrome wasn't working for me), log in at, then go to and copy the npsso value.
3. Open C:\Users\<username\AppData\Local\\Galaxy\plugins\installed\psn_<guid>\ in a text editor. (VS Code or notepad++ would be my recommendation)
4. Replace line 71 ("return NextStep("web_session", AUTH_PARAMS)" with the following line (make sure to get the indentation correct: there's 12 spaces in front of the line):
stored_npsso = {"npsso": "<paste npsso value from the Edge browser here>"}
This line follows the "if not stored_npsso:" line on line 70
5. Save the file, restart Galaxy
6. Go to the settings and reconnect the PSN plugin
No variables are named anything with "npsso" on 0.35 and tszcheetah wrote about 0.34 which seems to be the same, with "cookies" replacing "npsso".