mbeemer: Dunno what's wrong, but my OSX setup will run gogrepoc but not your script. If some gurus could take a look and normalize it across OS's I'd appreciate it.
AB1908: I'm incredibly sorry. I hadn't bothered to check for different platforms. If you could simply post the location of the DB, I could add it to the script. Heck, it's even simple enough for you to. Just change the variable at the top named database_location. I can't comment on where the database on your system is though. Maybe poke around a bit?
I hacked your script, replacing your construction of 'owned_game_filtered_data' with a series of concatenations:
owned_game_filtered_data = "CREATE TEMP VIEW MasterDB AS SELECT DISTINCT(MasterList.releaseKey) AS releaseKey, "
owned_game_filtered_data = owned_game_filtered_data + "MasterList.value AS title, MC1.value AS metadata, MC2.value AS platformList, "
owned_game_filtered_data = owned_game_filtered_data + "GameTimes.minutesInGame AS time from MasterList, MasterList AS MC1, "
owned_game_filtered_data = owned_game_filtered_data + "MasterList AS MC2, GameTimes WHERE (((MasterList.gamePieceTypeId=" + str(originalTitleID[0])
owned_game_filtered_data = owned_game_filtered_data + ") OR (MasterList.gamePieceTypeId=" + str(titleID) + ")) AND ((MC1.gamePieceTypeId="
owned_game_filtered_data = owned_game_filtered_data + str(originalMetaID[0]) + ") OR (MC1.gamePieceTypeId=" + str(metaID[0])
owned_game_filtered_data = owned_game_filtered_data + "))) AND MC1.releaseKey=MasterList.releaseKey AND MC2.gamePieceTypeId="
owned_game_filtered_data = owned_game_filtered_data + str(releasesList) + " AND MC2.releaseKey=MasterList.releaseKey AND "
owned_game_filtered_data = owned_game_filtered_data + "GameTimes.releaseKey=MasterList.releaseKey ORDER BY title;"
I got a CSV with 2038 rows as opposed to the 2211 reported in GOG Galaxy 'owned games'. I have no idea how reliable these results are...