Tricontinental: +1 to the same problem, still can't log in to to the PSN integration as of today.
Well at least I am thankful it isn't just my system messing up. In all honesty this probably has something to do with Sony because IMO they have become very shady lately, like EA/ Activision levels of Shade.
XenorPLxx: It's less understandable why nobody from GOG cares to even answer here. GOG Galaxy 2 update broke the plugin, without PSN integration my library is full of holes.
DeadMeatGF: Why is it less understandable that GOG, who had nothing to do with the creation of a third-party integration, care to answer - how can they?
That's like asking Microsoft to tell you why a PS3 game won't run on a PS5 ...
Well played sir you win the Internet for this month!