HeadClot: Just thought I would chime in here - Do not go with GameMaker
Here are my reasons -
* There is open source software that can do the job game maker offers better.
* YoYo will nickel and Dime you for "platform exports" (See their Plugins)
* You need to pay for shaders and more advanced coding features (YOYO Compiler)
As for Open source software I would recommend
or [url=https://github.com/GarageGames/Torque2D]Torque 2D This is just my opinion.
- HeadClot
While you may voice your opinion, sadly, you are wrong on all point.
- Game Maker is a 'click and create' type of 2d game development. I haven't see anything open source on the same level. Cocos-2D and Torque 2D require serious programming. I understand your mistake on Torque 2D though. The sell version was including click and create editor, the open source ISN"T. People are writing editor from the ground up right now.
- Yoyo is NOT nickle and dime for 'platform export'. they are running a business, and that is their business model.
- This is also a business model - just like Unity 3D Free / Unity 3D Pro. This is not good enough of a reason.
What I can chip in is that I use Game Maker for fun extensively starting version 4.0 (when Mark Overmars were still active) all the way to version 8.0 ( or was it 6.0?). Its a great app. It did what it said it can do.
However, I moved away from game programming as a hobby, and since the game dev market seems to have changed to mobile, yoyo games try to capitalize this market by coming up with Game Maker Studio, and hence, the ability to export to other OS. This require development and they have the right to charge for it to pay developer salary.
The way I see it, it just that they want to try the Unity 3D business model, try giving it for free sometimes (instead of perpetual free like Unity 3D basic). So that you can develop your game on PC, and only buy the export portion if you are serious about exporting your game to mobile. Even for Unity 3D, you still need to buy Android and iOS export all the way to version 3.0. Its on version 4.0 that Basic Androind and Basic IOS is free.
My opinion on all this is:
- I have use the old game maker, and it worth the money. but this is the yesteryear where indies still make casual game for PC.
- I haven't use the studio version, but for free, if you plan to make games for supported platfrom, then give it a try.
Last but not least, if you are serious however, Unity 3D recently beef up their 2D game capabilities. And since the android and ios basic export is free, it won't cost you a lot of money. Bear in mind, Unity3D is NOT a click and create game development platform.
If there is something on the same level of game maker, afaik, that would be clickteam ClickFusion. But I used to try the demo long time ago (the Multimedia Fusion 2 and Game Factory version) and I prefer game maker more, hence I bought it.
My 2 cent.