I really recommend you watch Ohmwrecker's videos on this. Although his last one was a wee bit angry, he basically goes over what's going on as he sees it.
The basic gist is this: Youtube has an automated system to protect copyrights. Doesn't really care who you are or what you're doing. People formed Multi Channel Networks, which work with Youtube to get past copyrights and ease monetization. They were supposed to only let in groups/people they could vouch for.
MCN at some point realized they didn't have to do that, and set out recruiting. Some of these networks, through multiple groups have tens of thousands of members. There's no way to police all of them. Even "smaller" sized groups like Polaris have so many people they can't keep track of them all. There was little to no oversight on what was being done and by who.
So Youtube flipped a Killswitch of sorts which buffed the automated system and sent it racing through gaming videos past and present. On top of that, they sent out word to the MCN that they now have to have two types of group members: Managed and Affiliates. With Members they have to actually police and observe what they're doing or face penalties. Affiliates don't have to be, but they don't get the benefits of the group's Youtube polices. So no copyright assistance or anything.
The MCN's responded by generally only giving maybe 5% of their entire group base Managed status. We're talking Total Biscuit, Jesse Cox, people like that. The rest were automatically made into affiliates, which give them no perks. Even people like Pewdiepie (ie the most subscribed thing on Youtube) and Angry Joe are affiliates. Additionally, people are claiming they are refusing to release Youtubers from their MCN contracts, despite the fundamental shift in how things work. And are still insisting on their percentage of the money the youtuber makes on the videos that aren't flagged, which in some cases can be as much as 50/50. For the most part, you can't verify that with the Networks; they haven't really said anything. Most information is coming from youtubers themselves.
Youtube is also instituting a monetization review process in January. They claim it'll be on an "honor system" where the more you get okayed for videos, the faster it goes. But it's a whole nother can of worms. And again, Affiliates in MCN get no assistance with that.
No side is correct in this. Youtube are actively acting beholden to IP holders and beating their content providers (again, who draw in the most people on Youtube period) like battered spouses, but MCN's were complete slimey douches and kind of forced this on themselves; and now aren't taking responsibility.
And you're left with some of the biggest people on Youtube, and some of the more powerful voices free in the industry hurting, while also showing some of the darksides of others with how they're reacting to the situation.
Post edited December 12, 2013 by Hawk52