I have a shameful number. I'll try to keep my list short:
Fio Germi (Metal Slug 2 and onward--yes, I'm a guns-n-glasses man)
Annah (Planescape: Torment--with that accent, how could Fall from Grace compete?)
Para-Medic (Metal Gear Solid 3--the perfect girl to take to the movies)
Maggey Byrde (Ace Attorney series--again, guns-n-glasses)
Shinobu Jacobs (No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle version--the hair, the sword skills, the constant misuse of the word "moe" . . . swoon)
April Ryan (The Longest Journey--as weird as her model looked in the first game, she won me over)
Samus Aran (Metroid--specifically Metroid Prime, where she looked like a proper, battle-hardened warrior and didn't shed her armor for the player's gratification)
King (Art of Fighting/King of Fighters--just an all-around badass)
I'm tempted to cheat and say Faye Valentine just because a Cowboy Bebop game does exist (never played it, though). But I suppose it's unfair to expect any fictional woman to compete with Faye-Faye.
And although I'm reasonably heterosexual, if push came to shove, I would let Naked Snake (Metal Gear Solid 3) have his way with me. He's a man's man's man.
Post edited March 04, 2010 by PaakType