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really hard list to do:

my top

Baldur's Gate 2
Ultima VII
System Shock 2

Monkey Island
Grim Fandango
Broken Sword
The Last express
The Longest Journey

Master of Magic\ Master of Orion
Men of war : AS
Age of Empire 2

Another World
Super Meat Boy
My Top5 list hasn't changed for quite some time now:

1. Max Payne 1/2 (let's count them as one game, shall we?)
2. No One Lives Forever II: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way
3. The Longest Journey/Dreamfall (again, I count them as one game)
4. Final Fantasy IX
5. Mafia
1) Commander Keen (Pretty much my first video game)
2) Fallout 2
3) Red Alert 2
4) POD Gold
5) Fallout: New Vegas
jonwil: My top 5 PC games of all time:
Command & Conquer: Renegade
Elder Scrolls: Oblivion
Rollercoaster Tycoon 3
Day Of The Tentacle
Command & Conquer: Tiberian Dawn
I knew I wasn't the only one who liked Renegade.
Post edited November 01, 2013 by darthvader39560
darthvader39560: I knew I wasn't the only one who liked Renegade.
I love Renegade not just because of how fun it is to play but because of how active the mod community for it is. And because I am the creator and main coder (by lines of code anyway) of the major engine-clone-and-improvement work we have been doing for the game (its called "scripts.dll" aka "Tiberian Technologies" and its basically a clone of large chunks of the engine with a whole bunch of improvements tacked on)
So there are Renegade fans out there! While I'm not one of them I think that's beautiful. No game, no matter how totally shit it is, should ever have to go without love. :-)
tinyE: So there are Renegade fans out there! While I'm not one of them I think that's beautiful. No game, no matter how totally shit it is, should ever have to go without love. :-)
Well, Daikatana has a fanbase does it not?
tinyE: So there are Renegade fans out there! While I'm not one of them I think that's beautiful. No game, no matter how totally shit it is, should ever have to go without love. :-)
darthvader39560: Well, Daikatana has a fanbase does it not?
I was kind of being serious. Everyone has games they adore that seemingly everyone else despises and visa versa. I have tons of them and it's always nice to know you aren't totally alone.
1.Silent Hill 2
3.Hotline Miami
4.Red Dead Redemption
5.Grand Theft Auto:Vice City
Post edited November 02, 2013 by Mr.Caine
1. Monkey Island
2. Gabriel Knight
3. Final Fantasy VII
4. Silent Hill
5. SW: Rebel Assault

No, really... Rebel Assault
I'm not very good at lists because a lot depends on my mood and I could easily swap every game out 10 minutes later and be just as satisfied, but here are five PC games I really like right now:

Civilization 2
System Shock 2
I haven't been a PC gamer for long, so some of these are console games, but here's my top 5 anyway.

5 Final Fantasy 6
4 Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
3 Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
2 Final Fantasy 7
1 Chrono Trigger
Not realy of "all times", but these are the games that comes to my mind right now when I think about a good game :
1. Planescape Torment
2. Deus Ex 1
3. Bastion
4. Dishonored
5. The Longest Journey

Honorable mention for these, because I spent more than reason time playing them :
- Heroes 3
- Neverwinter Nights 1 & 2
Post edited November 01, 2013 by Narakir
iippo: *snip*

TOP5 "ever" is kinda difficult to say. impossible.
I know. I spent over a week deciding my own list :)

I chose to do TOP5 because of that. TOP10, TOP20 are somewhat easier to do, but when you have to decide your TOP5, things get difficult :)
Extremely difficult list to make.

If it must be Top5 it would be something like this:
1) Worms World Party
2) Sid Meier's Civilization 5: Brave New World
3) Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind GOTY
4) Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magick Obscura
5) Plants vs. Zombies GOTY

But FROM-ALL-OF-MY-HEART I must post my actual BEST-OF-THE-BEST list (some are in pairs because I love them equally):
1) Worms World Party & Worms 4: Mayhem
2) Sid Meier's Civilization 5: Brave New World
3) Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind GOTY & Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magick Obscura
4) Plants vs. Zombies GOTY & Football Manager 2007
5) System Shock 2 & Max Payne
6) Heroes of Might & Magic 4 & Warcraft 2: Edition
7) Europa Universalis 2 & Galactic Civilizations 2:Ultimate Edition
8) Medieval: Total War & Rome: Total War
9) Mortal Kombat 3 & Colin McRae Rally 3
10) Tropico GOLD & Dungeon Keeper 2
This is weird: I know what is number #1. Easily. The thing is, what the hell do I put in #2 - #5 spots.
(Could make a thread about games, which had the most impact on player. Maybe some other day.)

Oh well. Let's give it a shot, eh?

#5: Tropico 4

It's more about the charm of the game. Yes, I want to buy myself an island become El Presidente myself in real life. Despite repeats itself sometimes, I like how I can customize my Presidente as I want and how I can be total bastard if I want. This spot could've been occupied by Pharaoh as well, but chose Tropico for now.

#4: Battlefield 2

If you ask me, it's one of the finest, if not best FPS for me. Only thing which darkens my mind is air force of the game, but that is little compared how tight gameplay is, squad & commander system works very well, levels are big and wide and how goddamn enjoyable game is overall.

#3: DotA 2 (WC3 DotA)

How much can man hate a game? From how your teammates are bad, how enemy flames you for being bad, how that lucky critical strike decided to kill you instantly and how your Multicast never procs on Ogre Magi. Yet besides that, you shallow your anger and give it another go. And again and again. So no matter how much you hate the game, you play it and briefly, you enjoy it.

#2: Team Fortress 2

Battlefield 2 is probably the best FPS game for me. But it gets overshadowed how I've played TF2. From May 2009, I still pick it (although rather rarely lately) and give it a round or two. It also has introduced me to the Internet communities, meeting good people from aboard and playing with them many years. Friendships, which has lasted.

And even without the community effect on me, game is good itself, don't you dare say otherwise!

#1: Fallout 2 (Fallout/Fallout New Vegas)

In the end, there can be only one. Fallout had technically better story (and far better antagonist), while New Vegas was a godsend after Fallout 3 (which I personally don't like much). Yet, if there can be only one, it'd be Fallout 2.

Despite I finished older Fallouts with walkthrough, I enjoyed them intensively. They were excellent RPGs, despite I didn't figure out stuff myself. The atmosphere, the setting and the mechanics (especially SPECIAL. I'm just very fond of that). Game which taught me to listen Jazz. Game, which represents the best in gaming.

Fallout 2 was bigger, badder version of first one. Despite not as dark and much more tongue-in-cheek humor and references, it improved vastly the first game. No time limit (well there was but it took YEARS), more content, more guns, more quests and more tricks how to be overpowered from level 1 onwards. Just perfect. My favorite game (series)


Some special mentions: Hotline Miami, Natural Selection 2, XCOM: Enemy Unknown (the reboot), FTL, Bioshock series (would've prolly fitted in the list), The Binding of Isaac, Atom Zombie Smasher, Borderlands, Men of War: Assault Squad, Sam and Max' (the Telltale ones), Rayman Origins and Metro 2033. More or less.

Oh wow, this was a chore to write. Hope you could skim through this, nevertheless.