lackoo1111: "Your game wishlist for 2010 - 2011"
update for my list:
- Rage
Yeah... I have to move Rage to a 2011 list, and Doom 4 for 2012-13. :p
Don't know if Max Payne 3 and Delta Force are still coming out in 2010, too.
People here will hate this, but I will add COD7: Black Ops to my list, since I've liked the trailer and I like the Vietnam setting. I will judge it when it arrives.
Namur: Amnesia: The Dark Descent and Darkness Within: Dark Lineage.
I really liked the first DW and the CPAGE engine blew me away back then.
Already got Amnesia:TDD, but I've never heard about this Darkness Within series, now I'll look for it.
Thanks, Namur.
Tantrix: Alan Wake (NO PC-GAME BAAAAWWWW)
Half Life 2: Episode 3 (IT WON'T HAPPEN, BAAAAAWWWWW)
Too bad Alan Wake will never be out for PC, and EP3 will arrive only in 2017.
I want some console games too, but I don't own one. So I won't bother listing console exclusives. :(