Tarm: Delixe
Make a list!
Me? We ok you asked for it.
Dungeon Master/Chaos Strikes Back
Rocket Ranger
Eye of the Beholder
Defender of the Crown
Black Crypt
X-Com/UFO: Enemy Unknown
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Arcade)
Aliens Vs Predator (Arcade)
Alien 3: The Gun
Gunstar Heroes
Xenon 2
Speedball 2
Ghouls & Ghosts
Black Tiger
Castlevania (most of them)
Resident Evil: Code Veronica
Metal Gear Solid
Soul Edge & Soul Calibur
Tekken 3
Virtua Fighter (all)
Sonic CD
Die Hard Arcade
Street Fighter Alpha 1, 2 & 3
Street Fighter 2, Turbo, Super, Super Turbo, Super Turbo X
Street Fighter 3: Third Strike
Street Fighter 4
Power Stone
Virtual ON
Panzer Dragoon, Zwei, Saga, Orta
Legend of Zelda: LTTP, OOT, MM, WW
Super Mario World
Mario Kart, 64, Double Dash
Thunderforce V
Auto Modellista
Need For Speed, HP2, Shift
Gran Turismo (all)
Project Gotham Racing (all)
Ridge Racer Revolution
Starblade (arcade)
Dungeon Keeper 2
Civilization (all)
Rogue Trooper
Dawn of War
Fallout (all)
Knights of the Old Republic
Batman: Arkham Asylum
The King of Fighters (all)
Command & Conquer (all except Generals and 4)
Total War (all)
Virtua Cop 1 & 2
Time Crisis
LOTR: The Battle for Middle Earth
LOTR: The Third Age
GTA (all)
Burnout (all)
Mass Effect 1 & 2
Dragon Age: Origins
X-Wing & TIE Fighter
All SCUMM games
Star Control 1 & 2
Road Rash (3DO)
Warcraft 2
Jade Empire
Final Fantasy X
Golden Sun
Pok�mon Crystal
Sin and Punishment
Diddy Kong Racing
Super Mario 64
Vandal Hearts
Final Fantasy Tactics
Guardian Heroes
Shining Force, 2, 3, Holy Ark
Kingdom Hearts
Perfect Dark
F-Zero, GX, GP Legends
Rival Schools
Street Fighter EX plus Alpha
Darkstalkers, 2, Vampire Savior
Spider-Man (Playstation)
Timesplitters (all)
Radiant Silvergun
Deus Ex
Tempest 2000
Star Wars Arcade
Star Trek: Starfleet Academy (SNES)
Wing Commander 3
WWE: Royal Rumble (SNES)
Wipeout XL
Fighters Megamix
All the Capcom Vs Series
Phantasy Star IV
Crazy Taxi (all)
Jet Force Gemini
Metropolis Street Racer
Dune 2
System Rush: Evolution
Pathway to Glory & Ikusa Islands
I suppose that will do for now.