GAIM, first and foremost.
Then 4 others in no real order:
Open Office Calc
Open Office Writer
Calculator and Notepad compete for the 5th slot here.
Well, since you want us to write something about them.. Let's see:
GAIM (pronounce 'game'), is actually no longer around and was replaced by something else.. something penguin related, whatever. Still GAIM to me, and it's a free multi-client chat program (like Trillian)
Winamp, seriously, what's there to say about Winamp? Unlike iTunes, it doesn't suck balls?
Open Office calc, Open Office is an Open-source, free to use/download set of programs similar to Microsoft Office. Calc is equivalent to Excel, and has nearly identical functionality. Write is more like Microsfot Word. Open Office also includes other programs, but I'm not familiar with them, honestly. All I use is calc and write.
Calculator and Notepad? .. There is literally nothing to say about these, they are simply computer programs that replicate basic useful tools. Hell, both of them are hot-keyed on my spiffy awesome keyboard of doom.
Post edited June 24, 2009 by Zolgar