jamyskis: You know, it's a weird thing, but with many of my boxed games, I can remember how and when I went out and bought them and how I had some of the strangest and most memorable experiences while I was collecting them. I think that's part of the magic of boxed games - you can tell that they have a history. Some games I actually remember sitting on the bus, going home, and reading the manual in anticipation of actually playing it.
I mainly remember the games from when I was a lot younger, and had to save my weekly allowance in order to buy a game. I still remember when i was 5 (and not far from turning 6) and I bought Shadowgate. But then as I grow slightly older I found out how much cheaper it was to order things by phone, so many of the games I bought after I had turned ~8-9 were through these mailorder stores.
When my family bought its first PC I started to buy games in stores again, but this time I was shocked by how much cheaper PC games were in general. Budget-titles for 100sek (~10€), well I knew where my allowance would go! I went from being able to afford a game every 4th month to (if I only wanted to buy games) 2 per month! And sometimes I would get more than one game in each box! Suddenly buying each individual game lost a lot of its value. They meant far less to mean, as I was getting more of them.
I still have a few memories related to buying games though, like when I bought Crusader: No remorse, and the woman across the counter was unsure if she should sell a game like that to me. The conversation went like this:
She: Do you know what this game contains?
Me: Kinda
She: And does your parents know that you are playing these kinds of games?
Me: Eh, yes I think so.
She: Well..
quiet for a while.
She: That will be 99sek.