Freyar: As far as patching goes, 2K (and by extension, ValvE with Steam) have not had the resources or manpower put forth to fix any bugs.
Quite frankly, they are only working with the end executable and installations.
While it's disappointing that there are show-stopping bugs.. Most veterans ought to know where they are now.
i'm unsure that 2K could actually fix the bugs. although they own the license now, i think the source code was lost long ago.
while BladeFireLight's research tree bug fix isn't perfect, it fixes three of the four research bugs. just don't research any tasoth commanders, heh.
anyone still playing the original X-COM titles should really head over to
strategycore first. there are a number of fixes, patches, and mods that make X-COM better. and whoever isn't using xcomutil for at the very least the auto-reequip is really missing out.