JC Randalator: "You better double check your thread. That mechanic was an imposter."
Ian: "Yeah?"
JC Randalator: "GOG doesn't know him. What did he work on?"
Ian: "The forum system... Hmmm. Now that you mention it... Wait a minute. This isn't right."
JC Randalator: "What isn't?"
Ian: "Oh my God! JC! A giveaway!"
JC Randalator: "A giveaway!"
Ian: "It's Kristy controlled. Hold on."
JC Randalator: "Get out of there!"
Ian: "Just have to pull this leg... There. Relax. I gave it to you. You can redeem the thing in the GOG store on the way back to the 'States. You make a good detective, JC. Ready to get out of here?"
JC Randalator: "Let's go."