Phc7006: Not sure I agree with that. For the niche market of historical strategy games ( or even "worse" the ultra-niche market of wargames ) , potential customers probably have either some knowledge of history either an interest in it. Those games would be "something they haven't had the opportunity to play yet". The reason is probably elsewhere. For games made for a more general public, I would agree with you. Those conflicts would anyway be a hell of a research to do. Add to this that the second boer war is something that would be difficult to treat in a politically correct way. ( For more on this google "Boer war scorched earth" )
AFnord: I can only speak from my own experience here, but I play hex based tabeltop wargames (World in Flames, advanced squad leader and Lock 'n load), and when suggesting that we should get some non-WW2 non-Vietnam games to play, I was met by people saying that they would mainly be interested in playing games about wars that they are more familiar with. Heck, it can even be tricky to convince people to play games based on lesser known parts of WW2. And while there certainly is a niche market games based on less well known conflicts, the lesser known the conflict is, the more niche the game becomes.
Most people (probably the vast majority of them) who play hex-based wargames are history geeks.
Well, same he, I only have my own experience. Maybe it's just me being part of a minority within a minority , because, when it comes to History games / "boardgames", I tend to play wholy different periods, either the ancient world ( Command and Colors Ancients , SPQR ) , either Age of muskets / Napoleonic. To be honnest, as far as I'm concerned, I have seen enough of WW2...