ChaunceyK: I wish I had someone who was more sympathetic to my health issues. I mean, I'm not dying or anything, but my doctor has told me that Disability is worth pursuing at this point (and I am pursuing it). Someone with maternal instincts or brotherly instincts to listen to me & offer me comfort during this scary time in my life is what I wish for.
My sincere condolences. I went through that a couple years ago. All the doctors couldn't even find what was wrong with my stomach and breathing problems. It lasted almost a year and only got slightly better very very slowly. To this day I still don't know what it was and can't drink soda or any high carbonation however at least I can eat almost whatever I like. And I'm left with anxiety and heart irregularity sometimes. However its not near as bad as it was long ago.
I found that pets, like dogs or cats even, do help and can calm the mind down and they really help people cope with illness alot. I know my 2 dogs and my 1 cat did. Pets are often better than people sadly, especially if family can't deal with sickness and are unable to comfort you.
Oh yeah +1 to topic maker, very nice idea =)