mushy101: It's a good port, if you can out up with GFWL.. I think it's one of the latter GFWL titles that has the 14 time activation limit. Plus you HAVE to be online for first time activation. Best to check with other sources.
ChrisSD: What about now that GFWL is basically dead?
Well, pubs have already been stripping out the GFWL of thier games. Dirt 2 or 3 has it removed, and so has the batman games. Ultimately it's up to capcom to choose what games get the green light to fall back on steam drm only.
Pheace: If you have cards, didn't you already buy a game at a price you considered reasonable?
Also, don't forget the people who made the game get money from the market as well.
Chandoraa: Sure, at times they DO earn their money, and at those times I'm happy to throw it their way. My point still stands though. However, if developers also benefit from the trades (do they?), then maybe I should reconsider the whole thing and put those suckers on the market... whenever I care enough to spend my time on that rather than games :-P.
Zurvan7: Half of the people who still play FF are old school gamers who grew up with FF4 or wannabe Japanese fanboys.
Chandoraa: No offense, but whoever played the old school FFs and yet still plays anything newer than FFXI should really raise the bar on his/her expectations.
It takes minutes putting up a whole swathe of cards on the market, and as long as they are listed at a reasonable price, they'll sell. Be it in a day or week.
You don't have nothing at all to lose by selling the cards, since you have no use for them anyway. Heck, I saved a bunch of money already on buying games I wanted to own and play.