Posted December 05, 2012

How is it a matter of opinion? Does it do everything the highly adored 7 does? yes does it have some extra features? yes does it have some bad points? yes do the good outweigh the bad? yes, therefore OS is decent
What do you actually use it for? Is it to load say the same 10 programs every time? if yes pin them to the taskbar its a single click then! Is it to find a program? you'll flash to metro for maybe 5 seconds to do the same thing sure you'll have a flash of colour but it's not that bad
Why are you using desktop shortcuts if it's something you use a lot? pin it man!
Hell no it wasn't it was a HUGE goddamn change much huger than TIFKM is. "What the hell is this crap wheres my menus?" "why do I have all this empty space I want my programs where I can see them!" starting to sound familiar?
the full screen happily allows livetiles which are readable I tend to only flick to it to look at the live tiles (mail for example) and see the updates
No it's not a sucky interface for desktops honestly I sometimes wonder why people say this everytime maybe because it looks so hugely different, it's really no big change to what your used to and actually simplifies some of the things most people use it for
Show me whats wrong with it in reality not in FUD land. One brief list of all it's faults that doesn't include:
It's unusable on desktop!
That is the ONLY reason most people say, they bitch and moan that it's completely unusable while not telling us why.
Again. it's a matter of subjective opinion if Win8 is a "decent" OS(What is decent about something to one person can be considered less than ideal by another.)'s like saying a model of car/truck/etc is decent because it has features you like/think are good.
For frequently used programs I use icons on the desktop, and I use the start menu for less used programs and also stuff like searching for files/calling up control panel features/etc. I don't want to clutter the desktop so I don't put everything there and I don't want to clutter the taskbar either so I don't pin them there.
As such, I use the start menu(replaced by the UI in Win8) and I don't want to block the entire screen(even for 5 seconds) to access the new UI and do something there. As I said before, it wouldn't even be an issue if MS had implemented the idea better(maybe made the new UI, when open, take up 25% of the screen or so), but they didn't.
I do it that way because i'd rather the icons be on the main part of the screen than cluttering the taskbar(Which I reserve for a few quick launch icons/running app-internet-etc icons/etc.).
I meant that MS made wiser design choices(imo) when moving from 3.1 to 95 than when they designed Win8's new UI/etc.
You don't think it is, and that's fine....that's your opinion and you're entitled to it. It doesn't mean that it's fact, though, or that Win8's current design isn't crap on desktops/that Win8's UI implementation was the right way to go.
And you still wonder why people like me/others feel as we do? Really? Many have stated(here and elsewhere online) constructively why they think Win8's UI is less than ideal for desktops.
And saying it isn't a big change and that it simplifies things is also opinion. For some it could very well make things harder/less intuitive & be a bigger change than you think.
I already did, as did others before me. And then you(usually) downplay/toss our reasoning aside before asking the same questions all over again. You don't hold the same view as me? Fine. But don't act like/word your replies like i'm factually wrong just because you might think I am.
Post edited December 05, 2012 by GameRager