Been using w8 since dev preview - now im running Win8Pro 64 and i still like it.
Once you get used to
Massive List of Hotkeys Its not to bad. I highly recommend a startbutton replacer to help easy your transition. There are really only 2 options.
Start 8: This is by Stardock, its very nice, searches super fast and has flawless integration. The drawbacks are a short trial period and it costs money. It should be mentioned that Stardocks Apps for windows truly are designed well and there support is rather good. You lose a lot fo control customizing it though, as your start menu is based of a template "vision"
Classic Shell: This is an opensource FREE replacement. Its 100% customizeable and has everythgin you would want. the search is a little slow and tempermental. But it can be setup how ever you like, its fully editable and you can even save and import your configs. If you like control and design this is the one for you. You can even make your own custom start Orb!
As for pure aesthetics, Start 8 is the champion. it looks better, runs smoother but its at a loss of a few more resources and control. It costs about as much as a gog. For quick launching anything you want its CLassic Shell. It has an expanding list of all the Metro apps in the start menu so you truly never need to go into metro again. Start8 has a version of this but not as simply done.