I hope the get to Savage Empire and Martian Dreams before U8 or U9. Of course, you can just use the DosBox settings from GOG's U6 if you have the games, but still would be nice to have all the extras in digital form.
I bought U8 when it came out and my PC wouldn't run it. By the time I got a PC that would, it just didn't hold my interest and U9 was about to come out. I got U9 right after it came out, but couldn't find time to play due to grad school, so I finally picked it up a year or so later, and my PC would barely run it on the minimum settings!
Finally about 3 years ago, I decided that I wanted closure on the series and I reinstalled U9 with all the patches (official and unofficial) and the fan dialogue override.
I know the fans tried hard to salvage it, but there was no saving it. I will say that to this day, I have yet to see the sky done better (especially sunsets) in any game. Exploring was fun for a short while, but combat was awful and the world just felt empty. It made me sad, and by the end of the game, I was literally angry playing it, but I just wanted to finish it.
When I finally did, I had such a bad taste in my mouth that I loaded up BG2 and played about 20 hours over the next two days to purge myself!
One thing I would like to see is Dungeon Siege added to GOG that way more people can experience the excellent remakes Ultima V: Lazarus and the Ultima VI Project.