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The Wii also plays GameCube games, which gives you access to great titles like Ikaruga, Killer 7, Eternal Darkness, Baten Kaitos, Batallion Wars, Chibi Robo, Pikmin, Mario Sunshine, Wind Waker, Resident Evil Zero-4, Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, Skies of Arcadia, etc.
Here are some Wii games to check out:
Muramasa: The Demon Blade
No More Heroes
Sin and Punishment 1 & 2
Punch Out
New Super Marios Bros Wii
A Boy and HIs Blob
Dead Space Extraction
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories
Monster Hunter Tri
Tatsunoko VS Capcom
Metroid Prime Trilogy
Super Mario Galaxy
Zelda: Twilight Princess
Super Smash Bros Brawl
Trauma Team 1 & 2
The Conduit
Boom Blox
Mario Kart Wii
Super Paper Mario
Despite the hate on the Wii, it has quite a few really good games and exclusives. You just might have to swim through an ocean of cheap plastic peripherals, soccer moms, and shovelware to get to them.
FlameWhip: Let me just be clear here. I'm not saying you use Wii Fit for your primary exercises. Weights and a proper diet should make up 90% of a weight loss regime. However, having a graph charting your weight loss with no extra effort really helps. I'll admit it's all a gimmick but it's an effective one.

Only part of your post I laughed at was the bit on 360, not weight loss. Sorry for not being clear. Also I thought you meant exclusively lost weight on Wii, that's a stretch but now you're clear on it. The chart sounds good I guess it doubles as a scale? I do know having a visual way to look at loss helps the difference in 5 pounds can't be seen and can discourage.
Post edited April 28, 2010 by tb87670
FlameWhip: Let me just be clear here. I'm not saying you use Wii Fit for your primary exercises. Weights and a proper diet should make up 90% of a weight loss regime. However, having a graph charting your weight loss with no extra effort really helps. I'll admit it's all a gimmick but it's an effective one.
tb87670: Only part of your post I laughed at was the bit on 360, not weight loss. Sorry for not being clear. Also I thought you meant exclusively lost weight on Wii, that's a stretch but now you're clear on it. The chart sounds good I guess it doubles as a scale? I do know having a visual way to look at loss helps the difference in 5 pounds can't be seen and can discourage.

My 360 experience was not good!
Yeah, the chart was pretty much the whole idea behind Wii fit to begin with. It's good for a visual checkup on how your doing.
jungletoad: The Wii also plays GameCube games, which gives you access to great titles like Ikaruga, Killer 7, Eternal Darkness, Baten Kaitos, Batallion Wars, Chibi Robo, Pikmin, Mario Sunshine, Wind Waker, Resident Evil Zero-4, Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, Skies of Arcadia, etc.
Here are some Wii games to check out:
Muramasa: The Demon Blade
No More Heroes
Sin and Punishment 1 & 2
Punch Out
New Super Marios Bros Wii
A Boy and HIs Blob
Dead Space Extraction
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories
Monster Hunter Tri
Tatsunoko VS Capcom
Metroid Prime Trilogy
Super Mario Galaxy
Zelda: Twilight Princess
Super Smash Bros Brawl
Trauma Team 1 & 2
The Conduit
Boom Blox
Mario Kart Wii
Super Paper Mario
Despite the hate on the Wii, it has quite a few really good games and exclusives. You just might have to swim through an ocean of cheap plastic peripherals, soccer moms, and shovelware to get to them.

Those are the reason I want to buy the Wii. That plus the new PoP on the Wii, because this IS A FUCKING PoP!
BoxOfSnoo: No games, apart from 115 exclusives (including the incredible GT5, Little Big Planet, Ratchet and Clank, etc) plus almost 500 non-exclusives.
But zero, apart from that.
Tantrix: Oh you know I was just using an internet meme(see pic)
But seriously, they aren't games, just movies. MGS4, Heavy Rain, FF XIII, need I to go on?
Even the number of good games it is offering are just based on GRAPHIXX:
Luckily I already have the PS3 thanks to my graphic whore dad, so I can play GoW 3 any time once it drops down the bar, like Dante's Inferno.

(shrugs) Some people don't like great graphics, even if attached to a great game. The ones I quoted aren't movies...
Sounds like you would like a Wii though. I think I would enjoy one a lot. Good graphics are important but it's gotta be fun first. Something I think the GoG crowd understands.
Oh hell yeah! It's the Super Nintendo vs Genesis flamewar all over again!!! I feel young once more! Blast Processing foreva!
Seriously, i have a bunch of old consoles, but of this generation i only have a Wii that i bought for my step-daughter, shes happy so i'm happy.
Super Mario Galaxy alone is enough to warrant a Wii purchase.
I think anyway.
It's probably one of the most fun games I've ever played.
JambroceBC: Super Mario Galaxy alone is enough to warrant a Wii purchase.
I think anyway.
It's probably one of the most fun games I've ever played.

Unless you dislike Mario, like I do...
I now have all three of this generation consoles. Xbox360 is the oldest, then Wii, and then I just got the PS3 last week. I like the features of the PS3 the most, the controller of the Xbox360, and the Wii is just hard for me to play on.
For whatever reason the Wii's motion sensor has a mind of it's own and feels like the old Powerglove to me. Some of the games it has are really good, but it's hard to sort through all the shovelware. (and don't get me started on the lag) But all in all it's the best console to play with family/most girls/kids.
The Xbox is the most social console for me with the friends easy to access and most games easy to pickup and play. The controller actually fits my hands (unlike the PS3 and the Gamecube/Wii ones). But usually has games I least want to play.
The PS3 is my newest so I'm still discovering most of it's ups and downs, but I think it's my favorite one of them all because it's the closest to the PC. The Playstation store is rather clunky and the internet connection is rather slow on it, but the menu's aren't very cluttered. It also seems to be the most customizable of the three.
But all in all the PC is and will always be my gaming platform of choice.
Post edited April 29, 2010 by Arkenbon
Summit: I bought a 360 recently and frankly if i had the chance to try it before the purchase i wouldn't have bought it. There is nothing that console does better then PC (racing sims excluded)

PC does those better too.
Arkose: Whether it is "worth it" will entirely depend on what exclusives you want to play on the Wii that you can't get on the PC. If you like things like Zelda or Monster Hunter the Wii is the system for you because there's little or nothing like that on the PC.

Darksiders is coming! :)
Post edited April 29, 2010 by chautemoc
I have a Wii, but I own almost all Resident Evil games for it (Don't have 4), some workout titles for me and the wife, and Metroid Prime Trilogy. The Virtual Console is also a nice feature to it. For hardcore gaming, I'd recommend another system.
As far as the PS3 not having games, I would recommend PS3 over 360. IMO, the only good exclusives are the Gears of War series, and the Forza series. I had both 360 and PS3, and got rid of the 360 because I just had far more fun with the PS3. MGS4, Uncharted Series, God of War (1 and 2 in HD looks amazing compared to the PS2 versions), LBP, Gran Turismo, the list goes on and on.
While its true the PS3 had a shaky start, It's starting to have a bigger impact in the gaming world, and I have to say, the PS3 seems to have the stronger technology (and more reliable, see RROD)
Arkenbon: For whatever reason the Wii's motion sensor has a mind of it's own and feels like the old Powerglove to me.

I love the Wii nunchuk. It's so bad.