IAmSinistar: It's the universal language. Even the aliens on Doctor Who and Star Trek speak it.
Besides, it's easy to translate English yourself. For German, change W to V, C to K, and "the" to "der". For Russian, add -avich to names, -ski to nouns, and toss in some Sovietness. For Italian, just add -a to every third word and end with an exclamation. Like so:
English: "Commander Shephard, where is the Krogan lubricant?"
German: "Kommander Shephard, vere is der Krogan lubrikant?"
Russian: "Comrade Shephardavich, where is the People's Krogan lubricantski?"
Italian: "Commander-a Shephard, where is-a the Krogan lubricant-a? Mama mia!"
Most companies don't bother because this can take a whole afternoon to do.