GameRager: but c'mon the movies don't have to be like the games to be good right?
AlKim: But I think they should have more to do with the games to bear the same name. I have only seen the second film and it was truly abysmal. It felt as though someone had a rough script for a B-grade action movie that someone bought, gave the nameless characters some names they found on a game they played last week, stuck Nemesis in, and called it Resident Evil. I don't watch many B-grade action movies, but I don't mind them at all; it's the superficial connection to a game series that the movie should have nothing to do with that winds me up. If Nemesis was removed, some characters (namely Jill) given different clothing, the title changed to, say, Zombieville, I would say it would've been almost tolerable. Now I'm sorry to report that it was the most insulting waste of time I have had the misfortune to watch.
It's that superficiality of movies related to source materials & how it bugs you and others that is most likely the problem then, not the films. Still.....the films might be utter crap regardless in your eyes, but with that bias in your mind it's hard to tell isn't it?
IMO if they name something as your favorite series and then make it in a way you don't like them making it in you should view it based on it's own merits and not the fact that it went in such long as the films is fun to watch then it's fun to watch....that's my two cents at least.
danteveli: The problem with RE movies is that first one was quite good. It had connection to games but there was their own idea with it. It was not good horror but action flick with zombies. Later the series went downhill and straight to the drain. They started taking elements from games and create their own stuff ( movies could have totaly different title and no one would notice). Rest of the RE movies is just bad not as ecranisation of game but as a movie with illogical plot weak matrix elements and actors that cant act. (Mike Epps ?)
They went with their own ideas because I guess they were doing a reboot/rehash of the ideas of the game series and not a true to source material film. Which doesn't mean it's automatically bad, btw. ;)