Posted September 26, 2013
When I was a kid playing Paperboy and I got to the crossroads where that pink car comes from the side, I always pushed hard right against the screen edge because I wanted him to turn his bike so I could go exploring down there
For me GTA is just the kind of game I always dreamed of playing as a kid (maybe without so much nihilistic ultra violence but apart from that...) and I love it
In fact the original 2D GTA took more than a little inspiration from another Atari arcade favourite of mine - APB, I actually pre-ordered the C64 version of that at a computer show when I was in my early teens!
For me GTA is just the kind of game I always dreamed of playing as a kid (maybe without so much nihilistic ultra violence but apart from that...) and I love it
In fact the original 2D GTA took more than a little inspiration from another Atari arcade favourite of mine - APB, I actually pre-ordered the C64 version of that at a computer show when I was in my early teens!