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Christian rock? You mean like this one:
Post edited September 13, 2013 by Neobr10
I think it has to do with how many people don't want to mix religion with their favorite music genre or that they think all Christian rock is too "tame."

Also, Creed gets accused of being Christian rock but I've listened to quite a bit of their songs and some of them are not really Christian like the song Bullets in the Weathered and a bunch of other songs could be interpreted in secular ways.
TheCowSaysMoo: it's awesome because of stryper

... <- Pink Floyd eat your heart out *cough*

seriously. Not enough stryper love in the world.
I've been to a Stryper concert early this year and I can say they are definitely BEYOND AWESOME!

That said, I'm on a Jars of Clay roll recently, and I must recommend 38th Parallel too even if the band split after just one cd. But what a cd it is.
i don't detest it but I don't care for the vast majority of it it's just not my thing and it's not because I am not Christian/Catholic either. The big issue with Christian rock and it's variants is the vast majority of it is all about praising god in some way and it's not subtle about it's message either it's like someone someone tying you down in a chair in the middle of a church while a sermon is going on and smacking you in the head with a bunch of bibles and it is that reason people hate the genre because if they want to be constantly preached to they would go to church every day of the week.

Yes there is Red, Skillet, Stryper, Flyleaf and all that don't do that and if you didn't know any better you would just think they are just a regular rock band because any religious overtones are pretty subtle for the most part, and i do like some of them but as someone pointed out they are not what people associate as Christian rock since as I said they are more subtle about it and can be viewed more as a crossover group then a actual christian rock band.
For those interested Air1 "The positive alternative" has an ios and android app. Air1 is a nice cross-section of rock, pop, hip-hop and hard rock. JoyFM also has apps for ios and android. You can choose the LightForce option for hard rock. You can of course stream both online as well.
Because rock in general sucks.

Elementary set theory 101.