xxxIndyxxx: I was until the last two press conferences. I really like the idea of it, but to be honest it's really lacking in the department that matters most for me: games. Batman and Darksiders i already have, New super mario brothers isn't anything new.
Pikmin is not a launch game,... The only thing that looks interesting is ZombiU but ubisoft has a trackrecord of having launchgames that look amazing in previews, has great marketing but are mostly disappointments when you actually play them.
I fear that when the system finally has interesting games, there will be a new xbox or playstation with better hardware and developers will just stop developing for wiiu like they did with wii. I hope i am wrong because i love nintendo and really enjoyed the wii (i still do).
You say that as if the Wii came out first before 360 and PS3, the 360 came out first in 2005 and third party support was through the roof, PS2 came out first in 2000 and much third party support.
kodeen: The thing I'm most interested is when I transfer my VC titles from Wii to Wii U, will they still be on the Wii or will they be removed? If the former, I'm more likely to get a Wii U sooner since I can move the Wii to a secondary TV and have my VC games in two places. If the later, I'm going to wait until there are more compelling retail games than the launch lineup.
VC for WiiU will also include GameCube games please let Eternal Darkness be one of them in there :D