PenutBrittle: Also, on the subject of Linux: I think the ease of use of Ubuntu is vastly overstated. If you're already good with computers and willing to look for alternative open source programs over the usual Windows ones, than Ubuntu is great. However, I've known way too many people who tried installing Ubuntu on their parents' computers so they stop getting so many viruses, and it always seems to end with frustration and tragedy.
It's a great system, but it's definitely not as easy to use because a) people aren't used to it and b) you can't use the majority of the usual programs on it, and need to go out of your way for alternatives. The kinds of users looking for ease of use are usually the same kind of users that hate change.
Ubuntu is easy to use if you want to use it. For a Windows user that don't like to try something different... your point is right ;)